There are Banana Republics, and Then Some..................

In South America, there’s a country called Nicaragua which is ruled by a party called Sandinistas (you can’t make these things up!). It’s having an erection (sic!).

It’s president, Daniel Ortega, was once accused by his step-daughter of kamuaring her when the mother was not around.

His wife - the mother of the gal - defended him, but apparently, there was a catch. She would be the power behind the throne.

Now, she has blackmailed him to be his running mate.

Yaani the presidential candidate and his deputy are man and wife. And they are expected to win, ta-imajini!

Oh, one last thing. The president they deposed in the first place was called Samosa, or something like that.

So a country that was once ruled by a samosa will soon be ruled by a man-and-wife team that knows something about incest!



Nicaragua is something else, it was once a Narco-State, maybe it still is


Gukas bae:


Yoh bruuh …hope you are maintaining , you are so lost

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but kukamua stepdaughter sio incest. hakuna blood relation hapo. bora awe over 18 na awe willing partaker

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nipo niko tu kamrembo wewe ndio ume potea hizi streets ni kuchunglia tu bila commenting,

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This is not off the charts considering Kikuyus expect to rule Kenya until ever…
Guka add Kenya to the title…


Kulikuanga na mwingine wa Panama alikuwa anaitwa Manuel Noriega.



mimi nachukia panama na sijui kwanini

Some of those Central American countries have crazy leaders and people. They are run by drug gangs.

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It is a beautiful place with hot putas.


Wangu wa makeri all over again

Another Killary Clinton in the making.

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La Puta !!! insert Pablo Escobar’s hoarse voice


The city looks great

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Looks like he was set up by the Wife and the step-daughter!

He is borrowing a leaf from M7, his government is full of members of his nuclear/extended family. His wife is the minister of education, his son is the head of the Presidential Guard Brigade, his brother a military general involved in looting DRC etc.

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Hii ndio shida ya Earth…there’s too much gravity.
If the Granny was on the Moon, angekuwa kama 16 yr old in that department!

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I am surprised no mention of another Single mothers capabilities