The whole truth and nothing but the truth about covid-19

Many times kawaida human beings have a percieved notion of what they expect a certain criminal to look like.

There are very many times police have arrested someone but raiya wanakataa sio yeye na ni yeye.

You are not a police officer.

I have just posted a thread about two idiots who shot an innocent black man because he looked like a thug. Kama wewe sio polisi usianze kujidai ata wewe ni Chief Inspector Derrick! Pia usijidanganye ati you can resolve the JFK murder from your bedroom.

Ati you did a lot of research…:rolleyes:

It means that people should not take you seriously

Hata kizungu ni shida kwake.

am not here to impress people

Looks like you believe being proficient in a foreign language equates to a high levels of intelligence

you got brainwashed brains

You just said that a peasant can’t shoot a president with a rifle.

For starters many presidents have been shot by peasants. Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest by a peasant.

FDR was shot at five times by a peasant.

In fact before JFK was killed another fellow called Pavlick had loaded explosives into his car with thr intention to ram into JFKs car but he quit in the last minute because the president was travelling with his family!!!

If Pavlick had succeded what conspiracy theory would you have made up???

Cc @rexxsimba

Here is Richard Paul Pavlick the guy who wanted to kill JFK with explosives.

He was not sent by the CIA or the Mafia, he just hated the fact that JFK was a Catholic.

Had he succeeded wewe @Seer na @rexxsimba si mngeanzisha conspiracy theory za upus???


just told you not to reason like a moron
who said peasants can’t kill
all i said was lee harvey oswald was a peasant and that’s a fact
hizo hekaya zako mingi za abunuwasi peleka ->->->->->->huko mbali

@Seer @rexxsimba President Ronald Reagan was shot in the chest by this homeless fellow below and he almost died. The bullet was lodged in his lung.

How comes you don’t have a conspiracy theory about him???


You “carjacker”, wacha kuchoma picha sana
mtu huficha ujinga yake kidogo

Wacha kujifanya Derrick fake. U.S Presidents have always been shot at.

Attempts have always been made on their lives. JFK had numerous close shaves that are rarely reported.

Attempts happen 24/7. Even Obama was almost killed by a guy with a knife. Obama came very close to death.

And that’s why these guys have an army of bodyguards.

How old are you ???

Stick to the subject at hand.

Don’t get emotional.

Fight me with points and proof not emotions. :D:D:D

What is soooo unique about Lee Harvey Oswald that hasn’t been seen before with other guys who killed or tried to kill a U.S president?

Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head mbona hamleti conspiracy???


since we are sticking to the point , show me where i said presidents are not shot at

looks like you think everything in this world deserves a conspiracy theory