The wall is unforgiving


Huyu ameishi poa….54 yrs apart si mchezo. Maybe give us her story. Ana watoto?

Y’all now pushing it Mko na ufala yaani watu hawafai kuzeeka… she was probably 80yrs old when that pic was taken.

In 1967 alikuwa kitu swafi…
54 yes later…
Kuzeeka ni kitu mbaya sana. Scientists wafanye kitu…tu reverse the aging process. Want to be 21 forever…

Umeffi post.

@ChifuMbitika tangu ukuliwe bibi you’ve gone off on a tangent.

Do you think you will forever stay young until you die?

Kumamako @ChifuMbitika

@ChifuMbitika huwa na akili punguani…akihesabu ng’ombe zake huwa hajihesabu.

Kwa hivyo mtu asizeeke at 60s? Kula mihongo chifu brain ipate potassium

Can’t blame @ChifuKitimba. He is in his 40s and men that age glorify and pedestalise younger women like no one’s business. Because younger women are nature’s own viagra. Being worried about women looking old(hitting the wall)is as normal as women worrying about a man loosing his status and power.

punda sana, did you expect her not to age?

@ChifuMbitika rectify your frame

@ChifuMbitika wewe IS ng’ombe…repeat after me…

Umeffi post by a retarded senile old man

Better that senile old man than a homosexual ghaseer who wears diapers since his anal sphincter muscles have been eroded thoroughly by dildos and @Tauren [ATTACH=full]401557[/ATTACH]


Mkamba mjinga @PHARMACY stop tagging me. Kwenda rudi uuze samosa huko kitui ukichoka enda saidia mamako kuuza matako chafu kawangware.

Homosexual I will tag you as I see fit coomerniner and you clap shenzi

sioni makosa chifu amefanya mumemuvamia tu badala kumuuliza his argument