After several attempts to recover my account admin finally helped. I had used a temporary burner email and had to relink it to another permanent but fake gmail account to get access.
Just email the admin your username and an email that you wish to receive the reset link/
Now back to business, Hii serikali tunaingusha Next week.
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That’s very dangerous, for obvious reasons! How does he confirm that you are the bonafide holder of the account you’re laying claim to?
Emails are private. Right?
Nilijua vitu simple itakushinda
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If i tell you I can’t access my a/c, because i don’t remember the email I used to register, then I create a new email, and request you to send the password reset there, how will you respond to me? I’m just trying to understand.
That is a major loophole since anyone can claim another person’s account.
was xenforo too expensive to maintain?
I know that is a tricky path. But then if the owner complains, we handle the issue. But most cases we have had, they knew their emails
Yes and was hard to achieve many things with it. This one is very optimized, you can see the speed. Many improvements. Every serious person is using this one. Xenforo is an old order forum software.
Negros Are Bad Managers, what kind of shitty interface is this? Also @administrator @Electronics4u hebu toa online status. Stop making people see how chronically online we are.
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Utazoea boss. You will finally realize how good this is. Then online status si ilikuwa kwa the other forum? I thinkyou can individually disable online status…Just look ndio uelewe forum