Here in the US Franchising has provided the best business opportunities for many. Most of them in the food industry.
In many instances, the owner watch from remote locations after hiring qualified managers in their fields.
Most managers in these locations are teens and young adults eager to work hard and build their resumes and keep the businesses alive.
They are a form of cheap labor due to their starting point in the industry but are trustworthy and dependable.
Every day I try to imagine a Kenyan handing over responsibility to the same kind of our youth and hoping they will ethically feel the obligation to take care of your money and grow your business. If they can’t, you can see why our own kids are unable to inherit the family business and grow it diligently.
Tuskys hired “professionals” who ended up running it down. Have you even watched the attached Citizen clips? The “hired” CEO (who was chased out of office) doing business on the side with his employer, Tuskys.
Just cut each kids his share while alive, let each run their business as they wish, hii mambo ya kushikania huwa haimaliziki poa, pia if possible don’t just do a will, give kabisa kika mtu yake including tranfers
Tuskys fail or fall is attributed to greed, conflict of interest, bad management, weak internal controls, incompetent board oversight and sibling rivalry.