@Uncle Best Kuja hapa uketi na uskize…
I don`t mean to diss you or be-little you as a man But you are just about to re-write a story that i have seen told All too many times hapa majuu…
Chapter One; Where You are Now as a Man.;
You are most probably a very successful man by Kenyan Standards (good six figure job,Hustle on the side ,kids in lavish Academies and a wife who lacks for Nothing).
But that is Success Only by the Kenyan Measurement of Success.
Your wife ,your kids and all your neighbors and relatives All Respect you as the man that Made it in Life and this puts pressure on you to seek more “Success” seeing that you have achieved all Attainable Goals in Kenya!
What to do as a Man of Your Status in a bid to Keep up and Maintain your Status?..
You have to move Abroad so that your friends,relatives,neighbors and all their kids may forever sing of your achievements!.. (isn`t it how Success is measured in Kenya?)
Plus, you need to prove to yourself and your Mrs. that you still “got it”.
Chapter Two:
You get the Visa easily because you know people that Know PEOPLE…
Alafu wewe na bibi yako mnafika majuu looking abit disheveled because to begin with you didnt come dressed for the Occasion! Its Winter and you are wearing last summer
s outfits and so you don`t just stand out; you look out of place and in need of help!
Your old Best friend or that Relative who promised you accommodation meets you at the airport and he has the best intentions of helping you to get on your own two feet but he also has a very Busy life here majuu…
You are used to First Class treatment by Mboches ,houseboys and All others that you consider to be “beneath you” by Kenyan Standards.
That also implies to the relative of yours who has been working hard to make this happen and in time he/she realizes that they have just about given this too much of their time so umeanza kuwachokesha!
You,in time start gravitating to new friends most likely than not from other African countries and they all tell that you would be in actual fact be better off without that relative/ friend of yours that helped you get to Majuu in the first place.
They even organise a cheaper paid job and a shoddy rented flat just to help you escape the “Menace” that is you “Sponsor”…
Kidogo mashida za visa come biting and just when you think that you had made your way inspite of the person that helped you get here in the first place, you discover that you now need him/her to sign some paperwork etc…
But you have by now made them your enemy and you have even told all your friends and relatives back home vile mlitemwa na nanii…
So now; you and your wife (and maybe kids) are isolated and helpless in a cold country far away from home!
The End;
And that is where a Fisi like @Ka-Buda comes in!
A Fisi Always preys on the “Vulnerable”… kikikikiiiii…
Wewe umeleta bibi yako msupa hapa ulaya alafu you are now destitute and helpless na ulikuwa umemzoesha maisha ya kifahari?!..
And an Old- timer like me hapa majuu we always crave fresh meat from Africa alafu najibamba na the Latest Bima ama Benz thanks to my good credit.
Wife yako ananicheki in a Brand New Range Rover na labda ni Rental ama ni ya Credit anafikiria mimi i am the man that she has Always been Looking for!..
And that is the Tragedy of a Well to do married Kenyan man going majuu to make a new start.
Our Kenyan Sistas are so impressionable i can guarantee they will NOT stand by you when you get here.
I have seen Countless times and its not just a Kenyan thing,; its an “immigrant” thing…
Moral of the story;
If you are not struggling in Kenya and you love your wife and Family; Kaa tu Kenya.