The Suicide Squad


Looks good. A rear thing in 2021 blockbuster movies.
Tayari psarips wamaweka:

Ingia you stream it ka uko ma internet musuri. Good movie? meh!

Im scared to see this movie. I have never been more disappointed with a movie like suicide squad ya kwanza, pathetic. How do you mess such an amazing cast with such bullshit writing.

This kind of movies are not for everyone, it depends on your taste and likes, personally i am a huge fan and i have trust in James Gun as a director, so i expect nothing less from him. This one outshines the previous suicide squad which admittedly was trash.
I think audience review and positive critics should be kinda enough to know if it’s worth your time…But you will still see people here saying how they didn’t like it because “ikona uwongo mingi” and some other petty things all i usually say is know your taste in movies and what you enjoy you will rarely be disappointed

Movie watchers are a funny bunch. They will gladly enjoy a movie about a flying person like Superman, a god sent to earth like Thor, a shapeshifting green guy like Hulk, a talking tree like Groot, but still manage to complain how other movies zina uongo mingi. Bottom line i enjoyed The Suicide Squad vizuri

I have watched the movie and I’m thoroughly disappointed.

Shida sio ati ikona uwongo mingi. The script is just awful.

This is just an over hyped mediocre movie. 3/10.

Its not about the uwongo. Its about the story and the execution. Hiyo squad imejaribu sana kusafisha story ovyo.

Haina noma bro i always appreciate and respect other people’s point of view , Like i said its not for everyone, for you it’s a 3/10 to you but to others it was a banger, i am yet to see it but i already know i am going to have a great time seeing it.
If it was really that bad rotten tomatoes ingekua na ratings mbaya sana

:D:D Maybe they will do a better job next time

This new one is doozie

It has a 7.8 IMDb rating which is quite impressive. Must watch.

Hizi ni movie za kishetani. I can’t watch them as a Christian.

:D:D:D unaona illuminati kila mahali.

Loved it but the ending where the villain is some giant star fish come on…atleast the humour was on point.

Si wangebaki na wale cast wakitambo… I was expecting willsmith, now a John cena?? Eish… whats wrong with his smug ass chin. Dude cant act

thank you i never watched the first one which was bullshit nor will i watch this shiett