The Story Behind What You Sell, Sells It

If I told you I can make you rich you won’t believe it, but what if I come to you and tell you I used to be like you and am not yet rich but I’m doing and on my way to being rich? You will now want to know the path I’m taking and be interested with my shit.
You schooled hard thinking you will get the finest things in life but the pssy :smiley:
I then tell your sorry ss to lift weights, eat good and some PUA nonsense (Looks, money and status). Now you begin thinking with your dck but justify your decisions by claiming you are doing good than everybody else…all that for p
Call yourself alpha, waste time fckin around believing that since you are banging hookers, your confidence will eventually grow and you will be in a position to fck TV ghels :smiley:
Since you are wasting time and I don’t want you to realize it, I will tell you how men get better with age :smiley:
And since I don’t want to realize we are just simple creatures whether you carry dck or pussy, I will tell you how evil women are, how they are hypergamous, how they fck alphas for free and fleece off betas (like we are living in a jungle)…and all this while justify the sh*t am giving you with evolutionary theories :smiley:

Endeleeni tu hivo alpha shondes, mko tu sawa.


[COLOR=rgb(61, 142, 185)]Ulitombewa bibi, nini unatuambia sasa?