I’ve been with plenty of women na one thing I’ve noticed ni the female anus is incredibly close to the vagina. In fact ni less than an inch apart
This design oversight huwa haiwasumbui wakubwa?? A design flaw. Women are supposed to be feminine and beautiful lakini this ghastly oversight inamess everything
How I see it ni women should be aware of this flaw na it should have a bearing on their confidence. Ata nione a solid 10/10, I just remember that her peehole ni less than an inch from her poophole na I laugh
Women (@Purple and your kind): kubali they are too close. This should make you less confident and more readily available. After-all, tunalala na these creatures which anus na vagina ni less than an inch from each other. This is already unappetising enough but we are doing you a favour.
The creator had a general idea that human beings will discover rimming in the process of self awareness.
There’s no design oversight. It’s a masterpiece.
And that is why when they go poop they automatically feel horny. The size of the poop if very hard will make them more hornie. In short, Mwanamke anaskia utamu wa ngono ata kama anakunia.
But for you to be formed you ate parts of yourself and parts of your mother. You are born a small cannibal.
A human baby eats feaces urine, blood, hair, uterine fluids… the more it eats the more material it gets about the world out there. You are a copy of those who came before you. The fattest born babies are the ones that eat the most inside the womb.
When a child eats mucous they are simply revisiting their cannibalistic past. There are humans who eat their own nails etc.
That is how human code is passed on to the next humans. If @Purple told you everything that goes on in the human body you would be shocked.