The Sigoi DP home attack...

It doesn’t add up, that one person armed with a machette can hold up top security apparatus of this country for over 18 hours! This guys should have been recrutited to the army! And again, he managed to disarm more than two armed guards.

Someone is not telling us something here…am concerned! Doesnt add up.

You have an option of going to Sugoi to investigate and update us…


So what are you upto??

@Jazzman is back

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It is SUGOI and not sigoi

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Niaje Lizk 3020?

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You have clearly not watched this movie

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Niaje likz[ATTACH=full]115714[/ATTACH]


Hawa watu wajamaliza kumark Presidential ballot papers? That Eastleigh hawker is their returning officer hapo Sugoi we are telling him he should ensure those marked papers match with the results in KIEMS kits and total registered voters in a polling station on the D day…la sivyo tutadeal nao Mundu khu Mundu.

Sasa @LizK2030

Tusafishe sisi sponsors na elders macho kwanja NV.

Easy there ,Tiger.