The shooter was black and the doctor was also black

Just like Robb elementary the shooter was Mexican and the kids were too. Guns bought few days earlier. This black guy went to buy an assault rifle and a pistol to kill one doctor. He ended up killing 2 doctors, a receptionist and another patient. He should have just taken oxycodon kama Daktari ameshindwa. A grown ass man over 35 could not self medicate on opiods? The way blacks in America have opiods of many kinds. I know pain can drive you nuts but where was his capacity to problem solve,like if the doctor won’t prescribe the opiods, I can still go to a pill mill or get a supplier. He was married and before he died he called his wife to say, not I love you goodbye and take care of the children but that he had killed 7 people I guess 3 are being treated.

Mental health issues. We’ve seen so much violence through the media that we are numb to it. We might even talk of violence in black and hispanic populations emotionlessly, as we would about seasons and weather patterns, as though it’s normal–no, as though it should be normal–but we ignore the fundamental issue: its cause. Simply put, many of these people are not well.

No wonder the media has killed this story. Nothing for the dems here. Mental health issues? Nonsense. Just plain old poor upbringing and people behaving badly. “mental health”, “toxic relationships” etc are the new fashionable words but in the end mean nothing.

A black man killing another black man is the norm. Black men are naturally expected to be violent. No one gets shocked when they leave down to those expectations.