Pride Month is a 30-day celebration of human desire, sexual deviancy and the defiance of all that restrains desire’s expression. It is Luciferian, and it’s what the West worships. Scripture says God used a rainbow as a sign to Noah that He would never destroy the world by flood again. Now even some churches raise the rainbow flag as if to spite scriptural commands. On the surface, the LGBTPQ+ community are celebrating sexual identities and sexual diversity, what the Bible calls lust and perversion of God’s original design. But that’s not ultimately what those waving rainbow flags in a Pride parade are really celebrating. Their celebration is reveling in the sin at the root of sexual perversions and a myriad of other sins—pride!
The Bible spills much ink warning against pride. Our culture, and those “Christians” who want to join in celebrating sin, would do well to heed the warnings in the Word of God:
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18.
But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6
Naonanga huwa uko sober na huwa uko na akili, let us engage if you wish, What’s wrong with Pride Month, especially if it’s celebrated by non religious secular people in a secular state?
Why do you insist on always defensing the faggots if you aren’t one of them? The fastest way to catch your attention is shittalking the faggots. Shida yako iko wapi bleli nugu??
We ghasia haujalala :D:D:D? Also why are you following me kila mahali bloody nugu. Sijui nikujibu professionally ama niache :D. Anyway I defend them because i want homophobes like you to change and stop being homophobic ghaseer suruali wewe
Right on brother, Satan always tries to invert and make a mockery of everything good the Lord does. The promise He made through the rainbow to not flood the earth again has been twisted to represent their sick agendas. What a loser that guy is.