Am not a new talker, lakini mkinipatia kiti nita kalia tu, been on the side lines watching from a distance for more than a year now
My name is The Seer for a reason
I have supernatural insight and can see visions of the future
To prove my point am going to reveal information of some selected talkers ,the kind of information nobody here knows about
Lets start with the village sponsors
Age 35
This Bukusu (father Bukusu, mother Maragoli) works in the logistics department of a humanitarian organization, probably part of the UN like the WFP
The BMW’s and Prados he’s always parading here have red number plates meaning they belong to the humanitarian organization he works for.
@Meria Mata
Age 44
The Shiny Eye works for a major media house in the historic/achieves department, he is well known to many Kenyans just that people don’t recognise the hidden meaning in his handle, anyone who can crack the hidden meaning in his incognito would surely recognise his real identity straight away
Age 38
He is lucky to be alive today , he was one of the many mungikis marked for elimination by the then dreaded Rhino squad during the reign of the late Michuki as minister of internal security, he escaped death narrowly by fleeing to the rift valley where he lived with his relatives for 2 years before returning back to dagoretti market where he opened his butchery located just next to the slaughter house
He resides not very far from his meat shop at dagoretti centre, just neighbouring The red cross offices
Age 33
He claims not to be a shiny eye but the seer in me says otherwise
His mother was from Othaya and his Father was from the Bajuni islands , in other words he’s half Mungiki and half Alshabab, the worst combination ever
You now know why he is an atheist, as a young kid Friday’s was mosque day with his Father, Sunday was church day with his Mother, the poor kid got confused
He inherited two commercial buildings in the westlands area and a 4 storey apartment block in Kileleshwa
He currently resides in his family house in Karen
@Bingwa Scrotum
Age 26
The king of handles, he operates more than 10 handles at any one given timw
He suffers from a psychological condition known as multiple- personality disorder syndrome. Don’t judge him, rather understand and accept him as he is. Its not really his fault, the condition has gotten the better of him
Only positive thing for the poor 26 year old boy is his religion
@wonderful wonder
Age 36
Born in the midst of the mountains - the Abadare ranges in the west and Mt Kenya up north
He probably could win the most boring talker of the year award
Works in the procurement department of an oil company in the rift valley
According to him work comes first, God comes second and family comes third
As a young lad, he dreamt of working in a bank like many of his relatives before him, but life served him a different dish
He has a big problem when its comes to making new friends and is quite shy when it comes to the opposite sex
Age 36
The soft spoken jubilee sycophant, many think he’s a shiny eye but I think his from the other divide of the jubilee fraternity
Probably works in the advertisement or IT fields and gets most of his business from his chosen political party
Lives somewhere between Ngong rd , Naivasha Rd or Kikuyu rd or somewhere thereabout
Quite your social guy
Age 31
But she will probably be 27 for the rest of her life
Works in an electronics store and has a liking for tattoos
Very sweet lady if you get to know her on a one on one basis
Her best feature is her ass, though she has a pretty face too
And she defiantly is not a virgin, mileage - 7 guys
Age 29
Very beautiful Taitia lady married to a Kikuyu guy (yes she is married), blessed with one baby girl 2.5 years old
Works as a PA in a multi-national company
Lives in buru buru
Age 41
Works or has worked for a security company, also has a side business
Do or die kinda guy, get rich or dye trying , he will get into any deals provided he makes something small , legal or other wise
Lives in the boarder of Karen and Dagoretti south
He is a man of the people
There is plenty more where that came from
Will keep updating
Nihayo tu kwa sasa
kama unataka kuonekaniwa hit my inbox
can foretell the future with 90% accuracy