The rot at Kenya Power

Breakdown hapa


Safaricom is about to make millions of dollars from KPLC

What’s with our Kalenjin brothers affinity of taking institutions down to the ground ? Wanakula zaidi.

They plunder and steal like there is no tomorrow. Like mad people

Afadhali Okuyu

The next biggest scandal involving Kenya Power will unfold in the next five years. The share price will be inflated gradually and then drop like a hot potato once the big boys have cashed out. It is not a “special state project”

they have no tomorrow, to them institutions are to be dismembered before they return to retire in eldoret, waiting for the next kafamet of uda.
ask yourself why after 24 yrs of un-controlled plunder by Moi and kales, there are no regional blue-chips founded by them or even a household brand name ??? cronyism cannot allow them.

It is the cattle rustling culture/DNA. Unafagia kila kitu.

Without being bias, A Ruto Presidency will be a great de-service to Kenya.

Nothing to see here. Just Gathecha dynasty fighting Ruto clan of associates.


Raila Odinga could latch on to this although he is not any better himself. Instead of building companies to uplift Luos, his family only think of themselves.

But at the same time Moi did a lot for Kalenjins. Building them schools, universities a major hospital. He even massacred tea farming in central Kenya so that Kericho gold can thrive. At the same time he totally neglected the people of Baringo or maybe there is more to the story. Some say that Lena Moi may have influenced Moi’s decidion to cut ties with Baringo.

aliwainua sana at the cost of pulling down other tribes esp kikuyus and luos… coffee farming fell on purpose to pull down mt kenya’s most important cash crop at the time…

but even after kuinuliwa, they were not able to hold… nothing much to show except careers in the civil service.

Their role models back in the rift, the respected owners of hundreds of acres and tractors and lorries, took down government institutions wakati wa Moi.

Ingia apa utajionea maneno… this shit is insane.
Personally, I have bn waiting for 20 token since april… and it doesn’t look like I will get them by the end of the year. Nyumba zimeisha but token hakuna.

Next year, we are about to have another one at the top… brace yourselves for the downfall of many public and private institutions!

Ghasiaa … rustler si wakale. Rustler’s ni Pokot … get that. Pokot tunafagia kila mtu hadi cousins wetu wakale bila huruma. Kikiumana wakale bado wanakom thru’ for lil bro … see it’s nice to be us.

sijawai elewa wa Kalenjin yaani they milk a cow then kill and eat it . they never think about the future and how that will affect their fellow kenyans. si hata uibe kidogo and feed the cow upate ya kuiba in the future ? yaani Kalenjins wako na ile gene ya ku plunder and scorch earth due to years of stealing from their neighbors . ona siku za Moi they killed all parastatals . hurus first term they plundered hio ndio time Keter the minister of Energy took over and started looting from LPG gas to petrol to KPLC . na ndio wanasema watashughulikia mama mboga . Ruto William will loot the country dry from land to CBK

@Kalenjin101 @kalenjinkirdit @Kemoi @Tarantinoh


@Kemoi @kalenjinkirdit @Kalenjin101 @spear

Why do your distant cousins from Karamoja Uganda terrorize you like this?