So this man was almost killed by a python as a child and all what he can say is that UNFORTUNATELY, SHE died.
Kenyans wamebaki tuu wafuate shetani mwenyewe sasa. Kenyans can you stop getting carried away by every euphoria. This man is a devil worshiper no wonder maraa he was washing bodies in the morgue, Mara he was digging graves. Especially the way he talks about washing corpses is not normal.
He’s launching his manifesto on July 2nd. I think he is suffering from childhood trauma. He says that as a child his parents divorced at 4,his dad went to Uganda and remarried, his mother was exiled as a witch, his sister died at birth, he was almost killed by a python at 6,he walked 2kms to school and one day he went to beg for porridge lighten struck and killed the porridge vendor and injured him as her hut burnt to the ground he became a street urchin and was almost molested by a Somali pedophile truck driver who gave him a lift from Busia to Nairobi who got hit by a car when he went out to buy milk. He was forced to join Hare Krishna to get educated and then he was exiled and washed corpses and dug Graves to make ends meet.
Clearly this man has alot of childhood trauma and he needs a psychitrist but silly desperate Kenyans who are like the proverbial drowning man clutching at straws are busy enabling this man’s insanity.
I wonder how he knew that the Zoomali driver who gave him the lift to Nairobi was a pedophile if he got knocked down by a car before he did anything to him? In his interview on Faraja years back he said he had no problem with same sex couples.
Endelea na bhangi you will soon find yourself in Mathare mental hospital. I don’t know what kind of a parent are you if you can get carried away by such madness
Insanity it is. A progressive sort, the insanity, I mean. Someone pointed out some place he used to attend church, some years back. Yes. I was surprised to realize I’ve even seen him before, but he didn’t have all the wierd hair, and he wasn’t so crazy then. How people change.
The man is insane and if you watched his video ten years ago or so you could pick up that he is not OK. The way he talks about touching dead bodies everywhere while washing them in a morgue and he insisted that it was male and female corpses. In another interview. Furthermore he’s a baby daddy to several women black and white and he got married bcz it’s hard to survive in Kenyan politics if you are not married. Let’s not forget that Kenya is 85% Christian and frowns upon broken families and especially if you are a man.
Kenyans themselves especially the youth are insane, they are largely un or under employed, they’re on drugs to cope with the loss of hope, so this guy embodies their collective insanity. In the Faraja interview he says that at 6 years of age while herding his grandparents flock a python almost killed him and left partially deaf, he had the marks on his body and then he says of the python that almost killed him, UNFORTUNATELY SHE WAS KILLED. The interview gets confused and asked who got killed? Your grandmother?
@Heke and his team are equally insane if you ask me. I don’t understand how anyone who is a parent can support a man who openly declares that not only will he legalise bhangi but opium used to make heroine and cocaine. This man is deeply indoctrinated with western ideologies like same sex marriage. How can anyone in their right mind support this man who clearly needs to be admitted in a psychiatric facility ASAP.
Crazy. You don’t need to look far to understand how people live in economies that run on dope. I cannot fathom how anyone in his right mind can propose growing a dangerous drug to make it the mainstay of a country’s economy. That is simply importing war and death and untold social chaos into a sober country. It doesn’t take genius to understand how dangerous it is to popularise the bhangi narrative. Kenyans must wake up if they love their lives and if they care what happens to their children. Even that world he comes from doesn’t officially promote the drug culture, he can only fool the ignorant. Forget all the excuses of it’s just business, or it’s just for medicinal purposes. Anyone who wants to vote for that so called manifesto needs to read up on the work of the DEA, and ask themselves if they want drug war in their country.
I’m all for freedom, but we mustn’t be fooled by the reckless college freshman idea of being liberal without thinking of consequences. We must think of the fruits of ideas we plant in the minds of the future generation. Freedom comes with responsibility. It’s not absolute, and running a country is something one must think very seriously about. It isn’t a game.
I mean it just goes to show you how low Kenyans have sunk and how anyone who offers them a sliver of hope even with the most asinine ideas will become an icon. What happened to idealising people like Che Guevara Ernesto and other revolutionaries? Why are Kenyan youths idealising a man who wants to turn the country into a drug economy.
All countries who are drug economies are filled with violent gangs and cartels. There are so many refuges because of the wars to control or dominate the trade look at Mexico and Columbia infact Google the most dangerous places in the world and what they all have in common is that they are drug economies, you can’t tell me that a man with 20 degrees isn’t aware of that. Is he trying to be some kind of Escobar?
There’s money in drug economy alright but the fall out is HUGE.
Nimeshawahi kukutaja popote kweli, au kukuongelesha kwa matusi na madharau, hata wakati niliona unanifuata, ati "Heke is now following you"–for what?
Mimi sitaki upumbavu. I’m not interested in picking stupid fights here, so tuheshimiane tafadhali. I don’t want to talk about this again.
My fren are you hallucinating? Is your name or handle on this reply? For a man who is someone’s husband and father, you are extremely petty and immature. We are discussing Wajackoyah and you your garbage mind is in Kuma?
Umeshindwa kudefend your psycho presidential candidate now you have gone to my vagina which you don’t even know if I have one. I believe men who are like this have mommy issues you are projecting. We can not all be hoes like your mother so don’t hate us please deal with your mommy issues Headon and stick to the topic at hand. If you ask me to defend Karua and Raila I will not start insulting your penis which I’m even doubtful if you have one or you are a hermaphrodite.
Let’s stick to the topic shall we? Why did Wajackoyah call a python who almost killed him she, ati unfortunately she was killed. If you can support such I’m sorry for the confused woman who thinks she has a husband when what she has is a mentally unstable person.
We are raising pertinent issues about the sanity of this guy considering his childhood trauma and later dealing with macabre job of washing corpses and being an undertaker. Why are you enabling this madness? Can you give your kids drugs? In fact I’m beginning to believe that you are on drugs bcz you are even hallucinating seeing your name where it isn’t.
Please leave my vagina out of the discussion and adress the issues raised about this psycho you are calling a presidential candidate.
I pity whoever is having you for a father and a husband. They need deliverance. As for you seek medical advice before its too late. Na uache kuvuta bhangi please.
As for your stupid candidate he will be promptly deported once Azimio checks in, we can not entertain someone who is suffering from brain damage to mislead our youths.
Here is what it’s like to live in a country that runs on drugs. It’s certainly the route that the country will naturally follow if bhang is grown and consumed like dania. Is this the Kenya the Roots people want!!!