After all this COVID drama, I pray that people in the continent have realized with solidarity we can be major world players. The Chinese and the majority of the so-called world players are nothing but leeches. China produces no raw materials for its factories; they just transform them into finished goods which I have come to see we are capable of doing. The only setback Africa has is lack of equipment but that is bull since South Africa survived sanctions and was an advanced economy…they improvised.
Africa has every raw material needed to run the world from Steel, diamonds, cotton, cobalt e.t.c but us fckers just kill or steal from each other and let they white man continue to exploit from us.
Believe it or not, surgical masks are made from cotton which we produce and yet we import from other countries so we can inflate tenders. Now when shit has hit the fan, we start producing those masks in Kitui for less than KES.120 per one; it goes for probably KES.400 on Amazon and those traitors at Ministry of Health quote it for KES.1000 per one. We are making ventilators at KU and they said they have the capacity to make 50 a week(praying it’s true)…Philips, GE charges $25,000 for a new ventilator We can produce N95 masks; they just need tree pulp which we have and used to produce cheaply. But we let companies like Pan paper and Rivatex go to the dogs and their private owners export materials to China.
Its time for Africa to realize they are a power unto themselves. Lets make our Pan Africanism leaders proud, from Marcus Garvey to Nyerere…lets shout BLACK POWER. We got colonized by the West and now China is slowly doing it. If the Congolese united and controlled their special minerals, they can determine the production of computers, computer chips e.t.c and can make good money to afford their citizenry top quality life. If Africa held onto their cotton, the rest of the world would have a difficult time making clothes, masks e.t.c. It’s disgusting to see the white man treating us like crap and yet they get their power from our resources. A Congolese is treated like crap in Belgium yet Brussels was built by a King who killed millions of Congolese. Africans are being treated like animals in China yet those chink eyed fuckers make all their money using raw materials from Africa. The Zambians should kick them out and sell Copper at high prices to pay off their loans or even hold off Copper from the world markets for a few months. Ivory Coast should hold off their cocoa and let’s see a world with no chocolate. To summarize my long rant, Africans need to embrace solidarity and realize they have real power. Let us stop being primitive and make African proud and powerful.
The biggest problem with us is what Bob Marley called mental slavery. We need to cultivate a culture of believing in our potential right from home. Our leadership too must channel efforts in the direction on building national pride regardless of whatever mother tongue you and I speak. We can change our destiny if we really mean business and put resources in the right place. I believe Big Four is actually a brilliant idea, politics aside.
Those are all great possibilities. Shida yetu ni the house negroes who want to remain lords over all the field negroes and their children, forever. Look what happened to Tabitha Karanja at Keroche. Success is the preserve of a few in kenya. Wewe enda hapo na kimbelembele yako utaona moto.
With all due respect, this is not a good argument. Tabitha Karanja lost a court case. She(her company) is guilty of tax evasion. Whilst other small business owners remit their payments, she was under-declaring. This creates an unfair advantage. A startup in her field will have a lot of trouble succeeding if the large players resort to doing this. In fact this is one way of muffling innovation. The playing field has to be leveled for many others to succeed
And when Forbes is ranking Billionaires, they can never feature anywhere… Their billions are proceeds of theft and corruption of public resources … and are hidden in offshore tax havens where they are of no help to the motherland.
Well said. I will add nothing. I only wish we could listen. This is the time to level up. This is the time to demand our rightful place in the world. Yes, we can!
There is all this talk about what Africans can and should do to get out the situation of being exploited, used and abused. Its very positive talk.
NOT as an excuse or blaming others for our current helplessness.
I feel we tend to disregard the fact that many of the worlds most powerfull commercial companies, backed by the most powerful governments. Are and have all along been working to STOP and defeat our efforts to free ourselves.
What am saying is that its not just about the negro getting his sh!t together and start working to change the exploitative relation.
There are very powerful almost unseen forces stacked against the Negros, the type that can bribe an African president and his entire cabinet to ban local manufacturing of x y or z product in favour of imports.
There are 100s of extreamly exploitative treaties and agreements signed by dispots and laws made by compromised legislature s that need to be undone.
Charity begins at home. Lets start at home by getting rid of a corruption riddled, nepotistic, tribal government. See how complicated that is?
A lot of people here support what you say but are too blinded by their tribal politics to know better. I honestly “gave up” on Africa a long time ago and by that I mean what you mention will definitely happen, but it will NEVER EVER happen in our lifetime, mark my words, our generation is tainted. Our kids’ kids will definitely be different and even the few of us that are wise will be judged by the actions of the majority that are foolish, they will look back at how primitive we are
this will only happen when 80% of the population has university degrees… it’s the people who chose the leaders , if they are ignorant they’ll vote for drug dealers and thieves …if they are learned they’ll make better choices … get this in your head !
80% of the Chinese or Americans don’t have university degrees . They have appropriate training for their jobs. Those women making masks in Kitui don’t have degrees but just got trained in a week. The Kenyan education system ensures that buy completion of high school you can write, read and do basic math. Then after that should come targeted training for the various industries we can can start, some will go to university to help run and manage the enterprise.
I wish covid can be a uniting factor that removes ‘our person’ mentality. Ile siku watu watachoka na uongozi mbaya ndio Africa will rise. But as long as there is division then poor leaders who accept anything will always be the hallmark of our failure.
Ofcourse there will always be cartels and external influences trying to push us down but as long as we keep our course we will succeed. Even America had to fight the British for independence, European countries had to fight dictators and free themselves. Africa is not different, we will have to fight for a position in the world. Otherwise we will be the doormat.
Madharau ni lazima, kama waafrika licha ya uwezo wao wataendelea kulilia misaada badala ya kustawisha kwao. Viongozi wa kiafrika hutuangusha pia. Wengi wamekosa “mission n’ vision” na kutojiamini.