Politicians want us to think they have wanjiku at heart
So they create turmoils, escalate them to hundreds of hurts
Drag generals, ministers and magistrate in their dirty games
And make us feel pathetic for belonging in this zoo
The zoo that celebrates the rapists and kills the victims
one that embraces the wakora networks at the expense of wanjiku’s safety
So as wanjiku gets relieve after a year and half of political unrest
Just as she is fixing her torn blouse and covering her exposed breasts
As she swears not to consume the corrupt airtime of the safari.com thieves
The Kenya power pulls her blouse open again and hangs on her hurting globes
She cries to her mother, the known courageous protector her interests
But she is told that the mother is in a meeting
In a meeting with the rapist
Shortly after, the two shakes hands and heads get rolling
They now roll the same direction, towards wanjiku
They come smiling, holding hypothetical clothes for wanjiku
A white linen to signify peace
and green one to say its time to work
to work on wanjiku’s needs
at least that is what wanjiku thinks
But they vomit venom, the poison full of selfishness
But wanjiku is enticed, she thinks their songs are lulling
that the lyrics manifests her lasting longing
the one she has since harbored,
that once they will join hands and save her from rape
When they get close, she realizes her mother has conspired against her
That she has joined the rapist, so the linen blindfolds her
And they concurrently, forcefully and harmoniously lid her off her clothes
They drag her along potholed rough roads
They evade the china-made tarmarked short distances
for they want wanjiku to feel the actual feel of being in a world number three
Even when she complains what kenya power had done to her
nobody is there to listen
so kenya power apologizes, but wanjiku remains raped
But because of the handshake, nobody can oppose it
Wanjiku is all alone
Wanjiku is hurting
She is drowning in angry waters
But the handshake is more important
The blinding handshake
When Raila was opposition leader before 2017 elections, Uhuruto’s supporters in this village would reprimand and call him all sorts of names. From Waiguru’s saga to the health ministry scandal (which involved Uhuru’s sister), eurobond, SGR robbery and attempting to remove the auditor general. Watu walitusi Raila sana wakisema hataki serikali ifanye kazi. In fact, there’s a village sponsor who still believes Waiguru is innocent. Despite mountains of evidence proving otherwise. This jamaa blames the rampant corruption on the constitution. Mimi nashangaa tu mbona watu walikuwa wanatusi Raila sasa wanadai hakuna mtu wakutetea maslahi ya raia and keep the government in check, after the handshake.
Now that we lack a strong and fearless opposition, get ready to be thoroughly shafted in the next 5 years. Raila is now having ‘meat’ too. He will watch as you people get sodomised bila lube. Mtalilia chooni. It’s already happening with Kenya Power. Hata watu wa Jubilee wameanza kulia tokens:D
Who said opposition is Raila and vice versa?
There are many Kenyans who can play that role without necessarily engaging in Raila’s brand of divisive and antagonistic politics.