The Power of Dreams ... Enyewe, Everything is Possible.

“Na wengine wenyu wanakaa tu!.. Hawajali. ; Kabuda,can you tell the class what we are talking about?.”
Mr. Kaniu called out in the middle of his Physics lesson.
I hated Physics and it didn`t help that he was my Physics teacher. He was a Dick head who hated “Danda-heads” like me who failed his subject.

The Physics Lab was on the second floor and out of the large windows was a huge mango tree and my mind and eyes always seemed to drift to the mango tree and my imagination would run wild with my Dreams.
I envisaged a Large mango tree just like that in my “future” house where i would be living it large in a large mansion and all the trappings that come with “making it in life”…

To me,Physics and Mr. Kaniu were just distractions and i could have cared less about Mass,Momentum,Speed,Velocity and all the other nonsense that came out of Mr. Kaniu`s mouth!.. (I am yet to apply any Physics in my life…and i am not young!.. kikikikikikiki…)

One of my friends had a brother who lived and worked in Switzerland and he was always keen to show us pictures of his brother in Switzerland and would let me read the magazines that he would send him from the Swiss.

I now knew exactly what i wanted with my Life!..
I had to go to Majuu and live like this guys brother. I was still in Form 2 then and although this dream quickly took over my being and became an obsession i didnt have any idea how i would achieve my dream.

An idea came to me one day when i was reading this magazines and it was a turning point in the fulfillment of my dream.

I started noting down all the addresses from these magazines and if it was a college i would write requesting more information,if it was a hotel i would write enquiring about Scholarships etc…
I found a reason to write to almost all the institutions in these magazines and all the while keeping it to myself.
I must have spent most of my pocket money on my new exploits but it didnt matter because i started getting replies from all that i wrote to and if they couldnt help me,they always came up with other contacts that might be able to help me.
The best feeling was recieving a crisp odd looking letter every Tuesday and Friday after supper and i lived for these letters until i completed High School.
Needless to say,i Failed my Physics and promised Mr. Kaniu a Beating if i ever bumped into him in Nairobi.

My letter writing also bore fruit and as soon as i cleared my Fourth form,i was in a plane to “Majuu”…
And the Rest is History.

I still think about the Big Mango tree and although i still don`t have a Large Mansion with a large mango tree and all the trappings that follow wealth, i believe i will; one way or the other!..

Please share your Experiences or Go Ahead and Insult me…

Sina Mengi; Ni Hayo Tu.


i know why mister kaniu lives.
do you still have the urge to beat the living daylights out of him? nikuonyeshe mahali anaishi?.
never beleived in dreams

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So sio mzazi alikulipia uende shure ng’ambo usome usaikolojia?

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Lifting of garbage bags is a part of physics


hekaya za Kenya…nugu

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kwani ? hata wewe hungekubali !

wewe ni muongo…wakati unatumia hydraulics kwa brakes au power steering ya ki-lorry unafikiria hiyo ni nini?


Na wewe @Ka-Buda aka @MAKAVELI aka @wakahuhu wapi hekaya za your time in 254

You think operating a garbage truck is … Literature?


Mshande ya hio kazi @Ka-Buda anafanya majuu can finance your mjengo project na bado abaki na change


Wewe osha tumizee

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But majuu people live hand to mouth. Mshande kubwa expenses mingi.


I salute you for chasing your dreams.

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ina depend na lifestyle ya mtu. Kuna wale waliamua they want to settle majuu so wanachukua morgage which is not a joke btw ama wananunua gari ya nguvu (on loan)na kuna wale wanataka ku save pesa warudi home,hawa unapata wana rent keja wakiwa mtu tatu na kila mwisho wa mwezi they remit pesa nyumbani to finance projects that make wakanyama’s project look like child’s play

its only kubwa when you do an exchange rate calculation.

Wewe uko category gani?

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you inspire me I wish other guys shared their experiences also am at that stage…
naskia mamirionea wako ktalk how did you guys make it?

Buda, them days it was cool to be abroad. Ukikaa sana saa hii utakuta watoto walizaliwa juzi huwajui wamekupita. Please come back and at least plant a mango tree.

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Ume omit Ile part yenye WAWERU alikukamua stoke city.

But hata Mimi deputy wa shule mwenye alinipiga viboko daily bila reason, soon naachieve promise ya kumvunja mgongo

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pelekea yeye mia tano ya busaa…imagine angekuachilia si ungekuwa mess…

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