The poll is in

Juu mnapenda mwakenya sana, find attached samples. Kuna moja hapo it’s just for elders to consume, nothing to do with the poll. Elders watajua ni gani… Hizo votes zikuje

the only And the only is number 10.:):):):slight_smile:

Where can I buy Apple products at competitive wholesale price in Nairobi

Kuna muhindi anauza huko Luthuli avenue

A woman should look like a woman. No compromise on looks or body shape

Huawei ndio kusema siku hizi

Chief last weekend nilikuwa huko niche grill, kali sana

Wapi exactly, and i was thinking electronics ni sector ya terrorist warias peke yao

ako na kipara smart sana . All day number 10

Huawei ni fake kama erection ya @PHARMACY akitombwa mkundu na bwana yake

Ile building iko junction ya Luthuli na tom mboya ya cream, second floor

Siwezi lipa more than 150

Shoga ghaseer Tucker tucker[ATTACH=full]390084[/ATTACH]

huyo mkisii first video ni swafeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Hapa tu[ATTACH=full]390101[/ATTACH]

Alafu hiyo zouk imeweza



Hii sasa ndo hukua dilema yangu,banging body,face like rugby’s full back

You shouda hollad me my guy