The only Black people celebrating Trumps victory are Africans: No wonder we were colonized

trump must deliver and make nabii sufffer. Maombi yetu ndio ilimueka hapo

@Simiyu22 you must’ve been really dumb to even have the thought of Democrats winning the election.
I mean, it was obvious.

You know they say, one way of winning an election, is to create an enemy bigger than the people. Then claim to be the savior of the people from that enemy. Fools gold.
Ati he will deliver by bypassing laws. Waafrica believe he will operate like Mobutu sese Seko. Atakua police, jury, judge, prosecutor, jailer, lawmaker, paperpusher…alll in one package.

But mjinga ni nani?


Hiyo ni nini Trump aliwaambia atafanya Nabii?

So, what went wron with your candidate ?

Not enough campaigning time.

you did not answer my question. :green_emoji: :green_emoji:

here is what I asked, for avoidance of doubt.

we’ll leave it at that.

I will always support a black man over a white man. It’s the pinnacle of this thread. Keep celebrating your white inferiority complex. You will never be white. Your will never be accepted into the white community.


Even if she was given 2 yrs of campaign time, Harris would not have nailed it.
Let me ask you this, what was Kamala doing differently, compared to Hillary Clinton, that would’ve warranted her win against Trump ?

Wacha ujinga! Hii nilisema lini? Leta link. Never supported Trump until 2022. Demoncrats are warmongering LGBTQ-supporting deepstate loving libtards. Mukwende kabisa

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I will tell you this once, just so you know:-

I had no dog in the fight that is the us presidential election.

Many Black people’s lives remain the same whether Democrats or Republicans are in power.
To ensure that the elected government officials address their specific needs, it is essential for them to periodically change their support.

When voters remain fixed into a specific voting pattern, the voting block eventually has diminished negotiating value. Black people ought to vote for Republicans in some of the states.

Many people in remote towns in Pensylvannia had never seen Democratic candidate campaigners or slogans in their street or people knocking door to door. This includes Joe Biden. They saw Kamala’s campaigners knocking on their doors and putting slogans. This is for the first time ever. Kamala simply did not have time. Do not underestimate the time needed to run a campaign. It gives people time to gel to your message. Also, Joe Biden was continuously eroded, damaging the Democratic outlook. She first had to resolved thats before making gains.

We disagree with this analogy. Ronald Regan destroyed many black lives by instituting laws that banned the possession of small drugs. Drugs that are legal today to have in small quantities. 3 strike rules were instituted during Republican terms. Such laws primarily targeted Black people. Many such families have never recovered.

There was a significant movement into middleclass by Black families during Obama’s term. A reversal that was seen during Trump.

Also during Republican terms, areas that house predominantly Black families never see any development and always remain food deserts. The only development in such areas are liquor stores. Drive anywhere there is a Martin Luther King road and check any development in such areas. Then compare how much was disbursed during Democratic vs Republican terms. Including to schools in such areas where you will find windows broken in extreme weather. Utashangaa brazza @S_Lilly

i have been keenly watching black american content and i’m convinced the most africans on the african continent are better informed that those who the US calls ‘black americans’.A trump presidency is good because it will stop weird agendas in africa by US coops like GMO,vaccines,climate change etc It will also allow countries like Kenya exert their sovereignty on matters like immigration and refugees.

All of you can see after a very long time the government has clarified refugees are holding refugee ids and birth certificate is not prove of kenyan citizenship.Democrats would be against such statements and pushing GoK to give kenyan citizenship to over 700,000 refugees

So there were no gmos to Africa during trumps first term?


Quoting media owned by democrats. Hehe Mzito Trump all the way

Haya basi utapewa loan upate freedoms since Trump won.

Did Ronald Regan institute the laws against the possession of small drugs ONLY for black people or for the American Nation? @ Simiyu22

The Chinese did not just ban the possession of drugs they put on it the death penalty, today they are building our roads and railways, and we are going to them with a begging bowl.

There has been no development during Republican terms because the black voter is of no consequence in the election outcome for their Party.

If the Black people had several of their own with seats in the Republican party, the party would try to retain and gain more seats in such areas by deploying development funds there. The Black people need to hedge their votes so that when the Democrats are out of office, they are not totally out in the cold.

Reagan was targeting black people. But federal laws don’t allow singularing a race. A back door way is to catch them at their neglected projects using drug laws.
@WasikA disagrees with you anc claims there was development of Blacks during Republican terms. He’s waiting for Trump to revitalize Balck progression like they were waiting for Ruto to rescue the country in 2022. Him and @americanCockroach , @Mikymas @Arnono @Bonnified @dingoo_wa_ingoo .