It is not wise to say stuff without proof. Kibaki joined government in 1962/3 and remained in it up to 1988… ask @Meria Mata to share a photo of him welcoming the queen with the then PC Musila…he gained weight on leaving government…most senior civil servants apart from Jommo’s son Peter Muigai and Oloitiptip were lean. Just research upunguze Ka ignorance kiasssssssss.
Mr. Mburu is a former Military Intelligence Officer and has a brilliant record at Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).
A source at KRA said Mburu was brought to KRA by President Uhuru Kenyatta who ordered Njiraini to create the position of Commissioner of Intelligence and Strategic Operations and name Mburu as its occupant.
Ni nini yako inatumika? Kuna watu hudiscuss prostitutes hapa na unaniletea nyef nyef? Jamaa ako na theory ya upusssss kama ya @FieldMarshal CouchP about fatness…
And in usual ktalk fashion sasa umeshika nare… :D:D
Umekasirika… Over a COMPLETELY nonsensical topic. Sasa ati tumekosana for good. Sasa ati tutukanane for four pages over nonsense… ati fat people have no brains…