The new inheritance law - only the wife and kids can inherit. Parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, mpangos cant.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has assented to the Law of Succession (Amendment) Bill that limits the dependants entitled to inherit property to only the spouse and children of the deceased.

Unconstitutional if the illegitimate child (Whatever the rubbish that means) is a minor. Uhuru is an Ojinga

What is a illegitimate kid?

This amendment of the law is flawed

Child got out of wedlock eg with ex, slayqueens etc Only the wife and her kids will benefit…

An illegitimate child is a child born to parents who are not married to each other at the time of the child’s birth.

So a kid with your dna won’t get your inheritance?

This will affect a very very small fraction of the Kenyan population. The average Kenyan inherits nothing.

[SIZE=7]Secret wives locked out of inheritance[/SIZE]
Thursday, November 18, 2021

It is now official: secret wives, stepchildren, half brothers and sisters as well as distant dependants will no longer have a right to inheritance in the event of a benefactor’s death.
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday assented to the Law of Succession (Amendment) Bill, sponsored by Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma, that seeks to streamline succession matters after concerns were raised that long lists of dependants sow confusion.
The new law limits the dependants entitled to inherit property to only the spouse and children of the deceased—whether or not maintained by the deceased prior to death.

The law further slams the brakes on secret partners who have a penchant for popping up when a person dies to demand recognition and a share of the departed person’s property.

Previously, the law included the deceased’s parents, grandparents, grandchildren, stepchildren, children whom the deceased had taken into his family as his own, brothers and sisters as well as half-brothers being maintained by the deceased prior to death, as beneficiaries.

This is bullshit and unconstitutional. You cannot disinherit any of your children.

Bwana ya Laboso the former governor Bomet sasa apewe mali yote. The mother and sisters were claiming her property.

That law will not see the light of day.

Wanawake wataibiga miereka kama kassia.

@johnpombe wapi hiyo link ya hiyo law?

izo sheria zina apply kwa unbelievers only. waislamu wako na sheria zao special na korti za kadhi. illegitimate child ni yule baba ni muislamu mtoto ni kafiri

Parliament has already passed the law and the president amesign. Itb is already a law.

Ndugu yangu; any law that is inconsistent with the letter or spirit of the constitution of kenya, 2010 can be challenged in court and declared invalid and of no effect.

Do you want me to provide you with a list of laws or sections of acts of parliament that have been declared invalid by the courts since 2010?

How is the law inconsistent with the constitution?

its has the potential to be discriminatory to begin with and yet the constitution proclaims equality of all citizens before the law. KnowWha’mean?

Can you reference what part of the constitition? Section?


When a man dies, his property should go to the wife and kids. All these vultures that start circling claiming to be second wives, watato wa kambo, grown men demanding DNA etc should keep off.

Which chapter of the Kenyan constitution?