The New Dentist!

And thereafter!

I have been rating your threads and my decision is to block you , ghassia


Ineo read backwards is OENI. Kwa hivyo vijana oeni muache kusumbua wazee na post kama hizi.

I second you uwes

That was for those of who love “kusalimiana”, and for those who forgot who they really are! That is what we make of them!!

They watch porn, but are annoyed by themselves! What a paradox? These are the same persons who tried shaming Gov. Lonyangapuo and CEO Wanjala for sending their nudes. These are the same people who enjoy shaming women by asking “hii utalipa ngapi”. They post secret sex tapes…See your life!!!

Nutcase, blocked umbwa!

Block hiyo ghaseer

Zinakaa tu kuitwa Odhiambo na Obiero. Na Awinja

‘Othis meno na wasa!’