The ndichu brothers, fighting women in ole sereni

Hawa maninja ni bure sana. Fighting women publicly


Who the fook are these guys?I only see 2 chicks fighting though

The only one who can answer these questions is one Dedan @Sambamba Waciuri. You see, he knows the owner of this hotel. They go way back to when @Sambamba was advising him on how to become wealthy quickly and with ease. Si you jua @Sambamba is well known around town. Even the Ndichus know him quite well. He doesn’t do post wall chieth, he only handles young, 23 year old tenderonies at exclusive joints like Emara.

Yeah, and some guys trying to separate them…

The fallacy that a man can just wake up one morning or get to the house one evening and start beating a woman for no cause is one that should be fought by all men of goodwill.

Isn’t this the dude who just won some funding for his fintech startup? Achunge sana hao wazungu walimpa pesa are toxic feminists

Glad the wives left! In Kapondi’s voice, “wamama tujipende” manhoes deserve no respect! They should get a vasectomy and fuck themselves to death! Marrying this guy was such a terrible idea for Janet.

Yes, let’s wait and see. The boys are the real MGTOW, 6 chics, 2 dudes, 1 room!

Where are you getting 6 chics…I only saw two ladies fighting…didn’t see any dude hitting a woman

The brothers booked an apartment with 4 chics, then wakenda rooftop bar, hitting on 2 other chics.
When the chics refused, a fight broke out.

Leta link

Just last month, it was around 2.2m dollars. This will be cancelled

Kwa Obare

Screenshot tafadhali…wengine wetu tunajua tu ktalk,fb na xvideos

@Sambamba kuja

You are so bitter, kwani ni wewe uliwapatia pesa?

Vijana bure sana hawa chasing p*ssy is their hobby & yes one of them was once married to that mali safi, bbw mama Grace Msalame lakini kazi ilikuwa kuchapa yeye na kukulana nje. If these guys loose that 2.2M ndoras juu ya hii upuzi enyewe women have caused the downfall of many successful men.

hii pesa ni mingi buana

The kind that u only seee in your wetdreams

MGTOW without self control is a total disaster. Yaani pesa ilianza kuwa msuri wakatoroka planteshon wote