The Nazis didn’t actually hate blacks

Africa Korps men in North Africa

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Vijana wa the great General Rommel. He kicked the Allies asses in North Africa kama punda

They actually saw Africans as being one of the lower rungs of humanity. They hated jazz music because it was pioneered by American blacks.

Jamaa haujui Germany walifanya mambo Namibia kama Leopold pale Congo Libreville (Kinshasa)

Endelea na research …utajulia huko mbele how much they hated blacks

They hated blacks. Not hated but despised. During a certain Olympics race, a black athlete won but Hitler refused to shake his hand.

Jesee Owens

100% Zionist propaganda
“Hitler didn’t snub me; it was our president who snubbed me,” said Jesse Owens, the 23-year-old track star who won four gold medals, of Franklin Roosevelt. “The president didn’t even send a telegram.”
White House Honors Black Athletes of the 1936 Olympics - The Atlantic

Germany for a long time was the only western country nyeuthis did not need a visa to visit. The guilt of what they did to Africans in Namibia and Tanzania runs deep. You will grow grey hair trying to convert your African medical degree to practice in Germany; something the US gives you very clear guidelines how to do in their system

bt they shot all black POWs they captured

[SIZE=5]Wereth 11 Massacre[/SIZE]

On 17 December, Battery C was flanked and overrun. Most of the men were killed or captured. Eleven soldiers became separated from the unit after it was overrun early on the second day of the battle. They tried to find the American lines but were unable to do so. When they reached the hamlet of Wereth, Belgium, farmer Mathias Langer offered them shelter.[4] The area they were in had been part of Germany for hundreds of years, until it was annexed by Belgium after World War I, and three of the nine families in the village were known to be still loyal to Germany. The wife of a German soldier who lived in Wereth told members of the notorious 1st SS Division that black American soldiers were hiding in her village. The SS troops quickly moved to capture the Americans, who surrendered without resistance. The SS men then marched their prisoners to a nearby field, where they were beaten, tortured, and finally shot.
The frozen bodies of the victims were discovered six weeks later, when the Allies re-captured the area. The SS troops had battered the black soldiers’ faces, broken their legs with rifle butts, cut off fingers, stabbed some with bayonets, and had shot at least one soldier while he was bandaging a comrade’s wounds.

The namibia story is very sad… driving people to a point that they rejoice in death… that was fucked up man. it nearly wiped out the Herero people and other indigenous tribes.


Desert Fox

The Nazis didnt hate blacks nor did they love them. On the Nazi racial scale of things, blacks were considered to be at the same level as Jews. And we all know what happened to them. The Nazis generally played the racial game which was common with virtually all Great Powers of the time. But they took it, in typical Nazi fashion, to an extreme.

Heres is a 15min documentary of a half black and half german kid who grew up in nazi germany:

It was the spice of the times in the western world. In France after world war two they bleached liberation troops to eliminate the black role in the war. In America there was also revisionism of the role of blacks in wars.

@Sambamba Erwin Rommel

wehrmacht were a fighting force and didn’t really know about mass murdering.
murderers were Einsatzgruppen SS, Gestapo, and Waffen SS among other branches of the SS.
That said, nazi policy didn’t have any strong opinion about blacks even though they were categorized as undesirables.

Hitler called for owens so he could see him. he couldnt believe it. Perhaps he was hoping he would see a tinge of blue in his eyes or a strand of blonde hair.

Hauptmann (Captain) Hans-Joachim Marseille, the German WW2 Fighter Ace known to the Axis Forces as “The Star of Africa” on the extreme left and Corporal Mathew ‘Mathias’ Letulu, a South African Prisoner of War who was pressed into becoming his ‘batman’ (personal assistant to an officer) in 1942 but eventually became his close and personal friend