I am NOT INTERESTED in shyt talkers and whiners, and you will be driven out with offensive vulgarity, and you can knock yourself out by testing this

I happened upon this documentary, and it sort of surprised me, for I had found it next to impossible to find anything further on the Msando case after the ex-landlord was released back in roughly September or so, give or take.
The number one pointer wananchi run directly towards is automatically a direct political hit; and I disagree, and I shall state why in short order.
Obvious retaliation by some love interest of Caroline Ngumbu. This view has more or less been ruled out, if for no other reason, it would take a leak from a confidant of either Msando or Ngumbu, that simultaneously has greet beef with Msando-Caro associations, that still had enough clout, that they were let in on the fact that Msando and Ngumbu would meet on this evening before the fact to have planned the take down; a TALL ORDER!
The premise would have been from some powerful political force bent on somehow comprising the approaching elections, at a more strategic level, beyond merely old school hacking, for Msando was not a “Technician” this time round, but rather, controlled the process on a temporary basis, with Muhati having been previously temporary removed for failure to comply with auditors, and whose resumption of duties was not shared with the public as Msando’s tragical death operation played out. However, NO political hit has ever been planned in such an UNRELIABLE WAY! When a planned political hit in progress, the mastermind, unless a PATENT IDIOT, would use a much more efficient method to get the job done. All the roundabouts, and Msando’s alleged activity, simply make ZERO sense as described, granted, It simply does not add up that people with a weapon sharp enough to have caused the massive and deep wounds on Msando’s forearm, yet used a relatively UNRELIABLE method; manual strangulation by cutting off air to do the job. Strangulation through, that is, asphyxiation, and this by manual compression of trachea, is an energy intensive 5 minute type of job that has to be repeated each time the victim manages to breathe, not to mention risky supposing the victim fought back; whereas the only surefire method, and this only from a highly trained crew, would entail cutting off oxygenated blood supply to the brain via carotid artery blockage. That is a QUICK method of overcoming a victim, compared to squeezing the trachea to block air to the lungs, with the latter method having been employed by virtual of the broken hyoid bone! Besides that; if it was a direct hit, Msando is smart enough, and he would have smelled a rat and bailed out fast after realizing his intended elimination was imminent.

There is a chance some entity with influence at the highest levels might have tried to get some easy money, but Msando either declined to facilitate things, or pretended to but double crossed some entity which happens to co be very close to the to of the power structure in Kenya, and this via one capable of effecting things with impunity much as one would that is, say like a cabinet minister in influence, thus creating the impression it were a direct political hit, and when the objectives couldn’t be met, plan B was executed; HOMICIDE!!
There is also a likely third wheel; the fact both Msando and the mastermind of the killings were both affiliated with some Roysambu Lady, near whose apartment block Msando’s vehicle was recovered; no matter how the sequence of events that led the dumping of Msando’s car where it was dumped; either it is done by Msando under duress, or by the mastermind’s goons to cloud the whole affair, and to derange any investigative efforts, excepting the corner case scenario Msando had been getting tailed for some time, thus by happenstance providing a trick up the sleeves of Msando’s assassination mastermind that was perfectly exploited by dumping Msando’s vehicle where it was found!

Wûi Mûnjirû witûî!!!

Si watu wameungana na kusema tusahau yalio ndwele! Mbona sasa waturudisha nyuma with this topic iliotugawanya so bitterly? Read the mood in the air na utaona this is not the time for this.

Musando’s family feels it. Sisi wengine ni kupayuka tu kiu@Dimz Fala

the wife did it,she had motive,capability and opportunity. He was a cheating bastard who probably neglected his family. Nobody knows your schedule better than your wife and am sure IEBC has top level life cover.
And no,apart from the quirk that she was busy playing politics during the funeral (and conveniently pointing fingers),I don’t have effidence

He added that his sister told him that the officers were looking for a lost phone when they arrived at his rural home in Awendo.
“The (mobile phone) line they are talking about is the one she used until last year and she does not have it. She said one of her friends took it.
He said he was saddened by the turn of events.

@Dimz Fala someone has been pushing this narrative: point #1 is interesting in itself the rest is conjured and speculative, for example there is no mention of the tweet from the niece which is what set #2 in motion

Maneno ya assassination inakuanga ngumu kuchambua…they will always give u leads which u think are good but they are the actual distraction.

It could have been anything, political to steal or discredit election, business gone wrong or family/love manenos. Let the guy rest, he was a mess

I totally agree it could be one of many things. If you looked at my entry closely, I DID NOT state any specific prospective scenario; but rather I enumerated them on a probability basis, for each to conclude as they find appealing. There is a CARCINOGEN of collective amnesia, especially in the Kenyan media, and this stance is MAXIMALLY exploited by unscrupulous parties. Hell, one could hardly remember Msando a merely 10 or so day stretch, almost as though one would be though of that lived in 100 Before Common Era. They will throw in a bunch of stuff, and sure enough in Msando’s case, once the ex-landlord was released ABSOLUTE silence emerged thereafter. Remember the aftermath of Ouko’s death? I remember listening to the news, quite young back then, and watching the announcement by Moi of Ouko’s murder on 16 Feb 1990. The backlash was massive, and Moi had to effect a counterbalancing promulgation to adduce the semblance of transparency and eagerness to “flush out” the killers and masterminds, and bring them to book; On 21 February, Scotland Yard had responded to a request for deploying a team to investigate the murder of Ouko. Subsequently, and almost funny despite the grave nature of the evil act upon Ouko, Troon and investigators were set loose on a witch hunting exercise, being blocked in absolution, that at the end, its almost as though they never came. I will type something on Ouko from a very interesting FB entry I read on the Ouko Case, the Molasses Plant, and Raila Odinga and Spectre International, as descendants to the botched molasses fiasco. None of that arrival of Scotland Yard team would have happened if people were resigned to acquiesce on the with and “inshallah” attitude; If providence preordained such, then as such it had to happen, with the John Troon and teen having not an inkling of the massive hunt he was forced to engage in, the Kenyan style, whereby scarcely ever, does the truth see the day of light in these supranational deaths that plague Kenya in perpetuity. Remember though, that, covering up does not necessarily entail guilt of execution, even though the effects are mutually tantamount to each other, but may be emphatically called for in a strict realpolitik sense. Go carefully look at JM Kariuki case, in which it was far from clear Kenyatta was before the fact explicitly aware JM would fall, and in a similar vein Tom Mboya almost a decade prior, but Kenyatta for sure was involved in the cover up by having names of two aides struck off the report presented to parliament. Ouko was described as very good getting his job done, but a non-politician, or crooked two faced if so to speak, and had been re-appointed to the Ministry of Foreign affairs in March 88. We have to accede the fall out took place inside the two subsequent years, and even as we agonized about Ouko, how did Kenneth Matiba, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, and Kibaki ater stepping down remain alive if assassination was a signature of Moi’s actions? Similarly, great agitation after the 8th Aug 17 vote that a rerun was necessitated. At the very most, perhaps acquiescence would be Moi’s charge, not an executive order in my opinion, when ther were much more problematic entities for Moi to worry about,and besides that is the fact Ouko made Moi look good on occasion after occasion, befor the Washington debacles emerged that were nullified, and constantly amended to fit the latest happenings of any one time frame.
This is kinda much like religion, as is presented by believers-circular reasoning ad nauseam, to explicate the presence of the necessary non-contingent entity, and the most most mighty one at that. God made man, who in turn created god through impersonation, and this with the caveat a rearward time travel capsule was employed to create man just in the nick of time, to make possible god’s own creation through personification by god’s own creations!
Favoring neither candidate; I believe Uhuru won the elections statistically, but for the entirely wrong reasons; fear mongering did what politicians have perfected to agitate in effecting an infantile neurosis , punctuated by an infantile style neurosis, and thus as such guaranteeing demographic polls opposed to substantive and meritorious ones. Let’s put it another way a gut wrenching sequence of occurrences that afflict the imminently moribund soul; a phase when a fully grown man asks for, and does not of anything else seek, but their mother, and this exclusively, even as they physically appear be in front of us, but spiritually highly extracted from normal sentience as we understand it; and sure enough, the gesture is unambiguous, an “Oedipus” analogue; and a passionate fare thee well to who might remain behind in the expanse of life, for long or soon to follow, perhaps with a re-enactment of the very same routine at some future juncture, and by the very one who then thought it weird of their sibling, prior to their own exeunt.