The most stupid thing I did when I was an assistant youth pastor at a church in Saika along Kangundo Road

Saving money to buy the pastor’s son a playstation on his birthday. Tulipatana na son ya huyo pastor wines and spirits Roysambu time flani nikajihurumia… later came to find out that we were ferking the same lady with the pastor. I wanted to marry the lady. She is now a single mother of two.

Hakuna place watu hukulana kama church za Eastlands…


kama umesalimiana na pastor wewe utaingia heaven


:joy: I am lucky I have never been a religious fanatic ever since I was a kid. The only time I attended church regularly was when I was preparing to be baptised. And that very day my older brother drunk alcohol for the first time in his life to celebrate our baptism. It was a big scandal bana.


@Sanchez11 hio ni church gani wachimba migodi wa kijiji tupelekee Ibada ya wangapi?


Church has scarred many. I remember my mum used to tell me “kanitha ni ngoro,” meaning it’s your relationship with god that matters.

After a lot of religious prostitution, kutanga tanga from church to church, I finally conceded.

I found better company hapo base ya jaba


Kuna church ilikuwa githurai 44 huko kwa uwanja so mimi nimetoka kula lanye nimepigwa na mawazo.

Nikaamua niketi apo ndio niende kwa cave na apo kando walikuwa wanabomoa shanty houses.

Kwa udaku nilisikia kuna pasta alikuwa anakula milaya hapo ndani then ameweka cds kwa dustbin

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You attract anything that touches on lanye. Hata kwa kanisa…

Kwa biashara zangu za akili sijataja lanye

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How did you end up contributing if you were not part of the flock? Math ain’t adding up.

Pocket money ya mummy ndio ulitumia kubuy PS