The most expensive fish. Jaruo fishermen should start looking for this

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These tuna fish are found in the Indian ocean sio lake victoria. The coast people should be millionaires.



That’s my skill


Umewahi pata hii species?

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Only a low IQ person thinks tuna lives in fresh water


They live in deep sea ocean salty water

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Do dim eyes live near the ocean?


They are fishermen of yore. Understand the point bro

They sell for premium in Japan which exports them to other countries… 1 pound from Japan can go for $ 200. They are in high demand in Sushi restaurants but this are from the Atlantic. I once saw a Bluefin in TZ ; it was sold for like $ 100 for the whole fish. If only they knew the demand.

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You can buy canned tuna pale Naivas or Carefour. Cheaper than tilapia.

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Hii tuna huwa canivorous kula fish zingine. It moves very fast.Nyama yake steak ukimarianate poa huwa tamu ajab na haina mifupa mob.Once you start eating ocean fish hizi fish za lake unawachana nazo.


Very true.






Fish za lake hudishi feacal matter za JAruo na karamajong


Ubaya they say deep sea fish have alot of mercury and other toxic heavy metals because many countries go to dump their toxic waste huko deep seas. You’d rather eat fish za lake and fish ponds.


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Fish in general haufai kukula siku nyingi continously so that the body can breaks down substances.The body can handle it in small quantities.
Ocean fish has better taste than tilapia na Nile perch.Kwanza Tuna au Kingfish zikigrilliwa

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Huyu ndio anakula those who have drowned in the lake.

@yugni should know he has been feeding on poison.


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Elder ushai kula izo sushi mbichi zinatajwa apo juu?

Sushi ikinikataa .Kula vitu mbichi.Sushi sijajua mbona ma dame huipenda

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most of the canned tuna in kenya comes from Somalia, ajabu.