"Women are Machiavellian in nature, this means they are comparatively
proficient at being manipulative versus the typical male. The evolutionary
theoretical basis for this is due to smaller size and inferior musculature
women had to learn to use men as tools rather than directly oppose them in a
physical conflict (as they would undoubtedly lose in all but very few
scenarios) this makes the pronunciation of their strength a propensity to be
mentally violent rather than to be physically violent. Physical violence is
outlawed whereas mental abuse is not, this allows women to get their way
without being held accountable by a system of law, the law does not legislate
interpersonal morality to this extent. Where a man’s instinct is to hit, a woman’s is to do a big shit in your mind instead.
• Women rely on men to be emotionally stoic, we often call this “holding
frame” you have to be mentally strong so she can lean on you, she finds that
attractive. You cannot lean on her, there is a double standard, if you lean on
her the relationship will fall apart, she will not be able to handle your
problems and she will no longer find you attractive. You are a man. You
have to be better than her, which means to be stronger than she is. This is
why women get to be emotional and we have to be non-reactive, we are
strong and ignore our emotions so they can indulge in their emotions and
enjoy the ride. They find it far more difficult to be logical than we do and
thus it is our burden to be the reasonable ones.
Women do not care about male weakness and neither does society, if you are
weak, depressed, small, poor, uneducated, unconfident, not powerful then
nobody cares. People only care about you when you’re powerful or a pretty
woman. You have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps because nobody
gives a fuck about you. Society will always have a safety net for women,
white knights will charge in, the state will provide and etc, as a man you
have no such luxury, your propensity and ability to gain power is much
higher than a woman’s but your ability to hit rock bottom is far more
pronounced too. As men we are more extreme than women. Women are
typically average and don’t move much either side of the bell curve, as men
we are either highly successful geniuses of repute that feminists can but
scoff and be jealous of, the poster boys for their esteemed patriarchy, or the
ignored voiceless poverty stricken peasant class that nobody gives a flying fuck about. "
This s.hit has no short cut. If you really want a woman to do anything you want ANYTHING just have a lot of mulla. There is a reason why money runs the world and why money management is mentioned more than any thing else in the scriptures. You want to bang any woman ? make money lots of it. It is what it is.
I thank God everyday that i was born a man. Making money is one of the easiest, if not the easiest feat u can try. U just gotta know what doors to knock. Baada ya hapo ni mteremko, but for a bitch, after 35 its OVER!!
With such an attitude ‘ati msee unajichocha’ huwezi saidika, u have already lost. But we can’t all be rich or powerful, some people gotta sweep the streets and clean the toilets too…sawa?
Haha whatever man.True story wallahi today at 8:30 pm all i had was ksh 170 and now am sleeping with over ksh 7,000 earnings Alhamdullillah. Sustenance comes from the lord whatever that was written for me won’t miss me even if it was in the deepest part of the ocean.
More women are agressively entering the job market both formally and informally. How does this change the scenario as far as these issues are concerned?
A wise man defined selfish man as one who is not sympathetic to your selfishness. The minute some woman calls you selfish, therein lurks a very selfish soul that has just realised you are not going to capitulate or yield to its selfishness. The main reason Tru-woman Kapondi keeps drawling about narcistic men here is because she cannot find a way to suck the energy out of that kind of man and it frustrates her. She wants a naive piece of shit that she can suck dry. Paradoxically, she will end up hating the piece of shit to bits in the process.
i.e. being a proper steward. Not quite amassing as much as possible. And I am not implying that money is bad… indeed, it is the love for it that should be concerning.