The man who sealed his wife's vagina with superglue

Men please behave, how do you do this to another human being. Let alone the special woman who you bestowed the great honor of being wifed up by you? Wanaume.

:frowning: very sad…

There are beautiful, intelligent looking, nice-talking, but sinister people roaming the earth. I dated a chick once who said she would fix my d__ with superglue in my slumber if I ever cheated. That was seven years ago. I disappeared from her life like Bolt.


She said it calmly and with a smile on a coffee date. I took that cue seriously.

How long had you dated? I’ve never even had a discussion about cheating with anyone I was dating. Not even if you cheat on me I will leave. Isn’t it a given. But I had a bf who was crazy possessive. I couldn’t even say hi to a man without it becoming a big beef. He made my life hell. I couldn’t go anywhere alone, if I did it’d be hell. He once fought with a guy for saying hi to me. When I was fed up and left, he stalked me and threatened to send me people to kill me. He threatened to commit suicide. And he was huge. Like built everyone was scared of him. It was terrible . Some people are just crazy. The way I see it, you are not a prisoner in a relationship, if you are not OK with it move on, don’t do crazy things.

Sometimes a whisper in your ear is enough warning. Life is short so you were wise to leave, that was a very dangerous man. Eventually he would have turned on you if he could get you. I hope he succeeded with the suicide.
I had known this lovely and intelligent lady as a friend through other friends for a couple of years but I we hadn’t been together. When we started going out we would discuss life and the things happening around us. Thought I really liked her. I could have got serious with her but when we spent time together on and off for a few weeks and I began to really know her I grew uncomfortable with her worldview–esp. that superglue comment (oh, and her liking snakes as pets!)
So I decided to just let go.

She never followed you? Such people can stalk you and make your life hell.

:smiley: No, I was lucky or maybe I was just a coward. But I hate and fear snakes anyway. I wouldn’t like to find one in my house.

So how was the mganga going to help the dude?
jamaa appears to be in a good mood. Grinning like a fool.
I dont advocate for police brutality lakini this one should have recieved a few slaps as he was being brought to the station.

True psychos never let go that easily.

Snakes are actually pretty cool animals, when you live in some parts of Kenya they’re part of the habitat, so you just see them crisp crossing your path. The first time I saw a cobra right in front of me and it was startled so it started raising its head I almost fainted. I just froze and it went on with its journey. After a few such incidents and finding all manner of poisonous toads and those weird creatures in coastal towns I got used to it. I am not scared of them anymore. And I used to be those people who were scared of even a cockroach. All kinds of crawling animals you have never seen before would come in the house and by then I lived in a house alone with a big compound not far from the ocean so even if I was to scream noone would be there to help. I had to woman up pretty fast. But it’s counterintuitive to keep birds and snakes and most undomesticated animals as pets they’re meant to be in the wild. There’s this guy who tried to keep a hyena. People who love pets are actually kind and caring people. Serial killers don’t keep any pets. They start killing pets when they are kids. Like Jeffrey Dahmer. He would kill pets and preserve them like we used to do in bio lab. He learnt the chemicals from his dad who was a Chemistry Professor. So abusive guys don’t keep pets usually. Keeping poisonous pets is crazy coz say you keep a Turantula then it goes missing. You won’t sleep in that house.

It’s scary to live in fear of someone who knows you well. I hope he stopped bothering you

Abusers are the most fascinating people ever. They’re popular. They’re really smart. They’re industrious. They are actually too good to be true. So you get to a point where it’s like you are dealing with two different people because they are too loving, too giving, the guy would even wash my feet, then the next day he’ll blow up over some guy and you are like is this really the same person, it’s like some demon has come over him. I avoided physical fights bcz he was a body builder the real ones achana na the basic gym guys and he could have just crushed me so when he blows up I pull back. When they’re good its heaven. When it’s bad it’s pure hell but his dad used to terrorise them alot as kids so maybe it affected him. It’s kind of hard to hate someone who really goes all out for you even starts you a business. It’s really confusing coz you know they love you and theyd do anything for you but you are also afraid of them at the same time.

Life is interesting. We broke up and went our separate ways. Many years later I went to live in his home town. He’s the only person I knew there. He helped me with everything including a social life. He would invite for church cookouts for Friday night and he would never come with his wife. He even one time came to my house don’t ask me how he knew Wea I stay coz I’d never shown him so what I did was that I befriended his male cousin and that became like the buffer. He even invited me to his daughter’s birthday and I went with his cousin. I already knew his entire family and was friends with them so it was really weird, they used to invite me for their functions then I would go with his cousin. We parted acrimoniously but after a couple of years apart you forget.

I don’t keep pets, but if I did the only ones I would want in the house are fish in a tank or a bird–maybe a parrot. No reptiles. I’ve lived in places where there are snakes, even had to kill one or two. But otherwise I just can’t stand frogs, lizards or snakes around the home. It’s just me.

It must’ve been tough to navigate that. Eventually people move on

Sasa ukipeana nje na nakupenda, I will seal it and take it to a tailor.


Now we know what made truman kapoko a psycho, this btch was dating a fellow psycho and decided to demonize a whole gender based on her shtty choices in men. Everything she describes about her ex is every behavior she exhibitis here. Truman kapoko needs therapy not an account on this website