The joy of a simple, independent life

Hii story ya generation, classic question. I am a human, yes, feelings of regret might creep up once in a while, not even regret, more like what if? “I wonder what it would be like having a few Benn Dovers running around?” So yes I might regret. Would I lose sleep over it? No. Its just a concept of opportunity cost. Like if you go and buy a hilux today, a part of you will always go, I wonder what the Ford would have been like.

But think about this. I have never had that paternal instinct where I’m like, “Hell, yeah! I want spawn.” As a matter of fact as indicated, I am more on the side of not wanting kids. Don’t you think it would be better to eer on the side of caution rather than going on and having kids, absolutely regretting it but then its now irreversible?


People who fail to have children also regret it one time or another unless they die really young and within short circumstances e.g an accident when they don’t have time to reflect about their lives. Its a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation for 99% of men. However, I think rich men with children have the least regrets because they don’t have to pay a significant price to have a family. That guy raising kids in Githurai working physically demanding jobs to feed them certainly regrets and wonders about the possibilities. On the other hand, the guy raising kids in Karen does not have to sacrifice his lifestyle significantly so he has fewer regrets. Raising kids is significantly easier when you are loaded. The experience of a landlord and homeowner who clocks into his office whenever he wants is drastically different from that of a guy who has to work a mjeii job at 45 because he has kids to raise. One man is more likely to regret having kids than the other because of the difficulty he experiences raising them.


Death can also happen when you’re happy Ile mbaya hizo za an old guy dying in a dramatic fashion surrounded by family ni za Telemundo.

@Benn_Dover This clip is dedicated to you. A gem. This guy fleshed it out very well! Not every dude has a paternal urge. However, in this part of the world, it’s made to look like you must be a parent by hook or crook, despite how ill-equipped, ill-prepared or unwilling one is. To the brave Kenyans who wish to be child free, it does muster a lot of courage. But if you surmount the hurdles and resistance, it is crazy liberating!

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[quote=“Benn_Dover, post:64, topic:508459”]
…lize highschool ama campus. That would be something.
Raising another man’s kids but you can’t raise yours apo kuna shida

Yes it is a thankless endeavor but the sooner you do it,the better,ukikataa kuoa mapema then you end up with a single mother of two and you start raising her kids as yours iyo nayo utasemaje


Mama Jayden anataka nimuoe.

Kwani ni lazima? Marriage/kids ni choice adults make.

What’s nature.

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