The hypocrisy that is the Democratic Party.

[SIZE=5]They pretend to support democracy and yet they love to kill the unborn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Pure hypocrisy and bullshiet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]CC @hewa safi , @Brayo44ki , @Bottoms , @Kennedy Maina , @Swansea , @slevyn , @Ndindu , @marine1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7]Len Hanley: The number one killer of blacks in America is abor.tion, not cops[/SIZE]
[li]Aug 20, 2020 Updated Aug 20, 2020[/li][li]0[/li][/ul]


To The Daily Sun,

In Michelle Obama’s 2020 DNC speech she said “And here at home, as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and a never-ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered…”

Well, Michelle, you forgot to mention the 247 black babies murdered by abo.rtions via Planned Parenthood every day.

But of course you wouldn’t mention that because when your husband President Barack Obama’s second term ended, Planned Parenthood was getting about 500 million dollars from the federal government each year. President Obama also signed a law permanently protecting the federal funding of Planned Parenthood.

In 2013, he attended a Planned Parenthood rally where he became the first sitting president to address the Planned Parenthood abor.tion business.

Here is how he ended his speech: “As long as we’ve got to fight to make sure women have access to quality, affordable health care, and as long as we’ve got to fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you’ve also got a president who’s going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way.”

Ab.ortion is the number one killer of blacks ,not cops. But that isn’t going to help Joe Biden get elected. So they ignore it.

On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States.It has been estimated that since 1973. Black women have had about 16 million abortions, but again Michelle Obama didn’t mention it.

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger — a racist eugenicist who sought to sterilize and exterminate the black population. Erma Clardy Craven (deceased) was a social worker and Civil Rights leader. She said, “Several years ago, when 17,000 abor.ted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology laboratory in Los, Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black.”

Where is the investigative reporter who will ask the tough questions of Michelle Obama on this? They won’t and even if they would she pre-recorded her speech so they can’t. Which tells you a lot,doesn’t it?

Len Hanley


[SIZE=5]16 million black Americans have been killed via a.bortion supported by the Democratic Party the party that supported slavery and segregation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]And yet you proceed to support these murderers with your whole hearts, souls and minds.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]I think the black man is predisposed to be blind and stupid. And to follow blindly.[/SIZE]

Blacks huko kwenu nikutombana wakiwa 16,get pregnant,dumped,jump onto the next deek,same 'ol same 'ol. Kids grow up in the lawlessness and the cycle repeats itself. Hawana tofauti na bonobo za huku. Ka mtu hawezi lea mtoto hata moja,wavasectomize deki na kufunga fallopian tubes,wacha okimwi iwamalize

Buda boss, shida main ni, do u know what land of the free means?? Freedom?? Umetoka gicagi juzi and u think u understand zero. Ni kama huku tu, p2 s are used daily because it’s ur choice

But that’s not leadership. Obama is from Chicago he knows these things have never worked.

You will never see a Jewish leader preaching aborti.on to other Jews in New York or California. Instead at the bar or bat mitzvah they bless their kids to multiply. They hold their communities together. They fight to bring federal funds to support their communities with the best schools, best clean streets, best parks etc.

Why don’t black leaders do the same. Instead of funding abor.tion clinics in Chicago why not fund schools, free meals to school children, fund young black businesses etc.

And the candidate who was talking of funding the projects and black businesses is TRUMP. But he is given a media blackout. And he has been doing it including pledging a further $500 billion.

Looks like we’ll have to put up with you and this rubbish for the next eight years,


Listen here wanker. When it comes to matters abortio.n, I honestly couldn’t be paid to give a shit. Mostly because I don’t care what some random chick is doing with her life. But inakaa ni kama hii story inakuwasha sana. So wacha nijaribu kukuonyesha mbona unafaa uwache kustress.
First off, I’m an amoral person. I don’t think in ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.
That being said, abortio.n is really stupid. The girl has five stages before she gets to abortio.n (which is very uncomfortable to begin with). She can say ‘no’ to sex. She can take any form of birth control, she can tell the guy to wear a condom, she can even make the guy pull out and lastly, worse case scenario, anaeza chapa Plan B. Those are five freaking chances right there.
Anyone who doesn’t take advantage of these (usually painless and cheaper) options really is nothing short of stupid. Hata dame akibakwa bado ako na options, but hiyo ni story for another day. Niko hapa kuongea kuhusu consensual sex.
So dude, instead of looking at outrage porn on abortio.n topics na kujipandisha mori for moralistic reasons (which were implanted in you by the same white people aborting), and going off on a Sisyphus-esque tangent on my fucking forum, I suggest you try and see the comedy that is abortio.n.
Only then will you stop seething like an idiot over the actions of a woman who doesn’t even know you exist, and start laughing at the free comedy show being acted out around you.

Mjaluo, sema tu wewe ni mjaluo na Obama ni mjaluo na Raila baba ni mjaluo na wakisema aboshon iko sawa you usually just nod your head in agreement.

If the Democratic party says that jumping off KICC will improve blood flow to your knees and Obama endorses the plan and Raila baba seconds cousin Obama in agreement… kesho at 5a.m utakuwa at KICC in line ready to jump ukiuliza, “I say line attendant, why isn’t this processional arrangement locomoting efficiently towards the predetermined terminal point of ouster?”

If you only knew how pro-life I am. Does not mean I am against a woman’s right to choose. We are born with free will.

The right to choose solely lies with the woman, what she chooses to do with her body and health, that is her choice.

Who are we as men, mortal beings to tell another (read - especially women) what is right for them and how she chooses to approach her health and well-being?

You being both sexes, don’t know whether you got pregnant before your sex change and now masquerading as a ndume, whether you were this vocal as Patricia.

As a man, as men (you excluded) we would never know what it means for a woman to carry a pregnancy, the complications and all other underlying issues that come with it. That choice should be between her and her physician.

We are not God to stand in judgement of them. Live your life and pursue your happiness, what that may be. You’ve chosen umama, you don’t see us casting stones at you, OR. DO. YOU?

Ad hominem. Not an argument.
Abortio.n is stupid. Any women who does it seriously lacks foresight.
You are stupid. People who mean absolutely nothing to you and don’t even know you exist have power over your emotions. You seriously lack wisdom.
That will be all.

I gerrit. If cousin Obama also told you to jump off KICC because it will improve blood flow to your knee caps, I imagine you’d come here and give me a full paragraph explaining the virtues of blood flow to knee caps. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Mtu yetu.

There’s nothing wrong with a woman deciding to abort. In my opinion. I respect yours obviously. So let the law of the land decide.

abortionnnnn perpetrators should be charged with murder

You can go and live in Saudi Arabia fuckturd.


@Old Monk ni kama huwa unalipwa pesa ya kusupport ab.ortion na USAID

You really support Democrats abo.rtion and ga.y rights fervently.

Why should a taxpayer fund the murder of toddlers coz the bitches couldn’t control their emotions?!