The human atrocities of Japan


The Empire of Japan is a serious contender for the most evil regime in human history. Their atrocities have simply been largely forgotten the rug because Japan is so well liked now in the West.

Indiscriminate massacre of civilians. Slaughter of entire cities, torture, inhumane treatment of POWs, countless women forced into sexual slavery, among others.


Over their conquest of East Asia, the Japanese Army forced around 200,000 women into the ranks of “comfort women”. These women mainly came from China, Korea, and the Philippines. This is the only thing I could not find some source for, but I distinctly remember reading the firsthand account of a Filipino comfort women who was raped 10x a day. Japan has yet to even officially apologize to them. On the contrary, there was an uproar in Japan when South Korea erected statues to honor the comfort women.

You think that’s the worst? During the Rape of Nanking, the Japanese massacred as many as 300,000 Chinese civilians within a month in a single city. Japanese soldiers paraded around with babies skewered on their bayonets like kebabs. Two Japanese officers held a friendly competition to see who could behead 100 people the fastest and when the score was 105-106 and no one knew who got to 100 first, they went again to 150. Civilians were buried alive en masse. Prisoners were used as live bayonet practice, screaming as the final moments of their life was used for the Japanese to sadistically torment. Tens of thousands of women were raped, most of whom were executed afterward. They dragged entire Chinese families into public squares and forced fathers on their daughters and sons on their mothers for the amusement of Japanese troops. I’m not an easily disturbed guy, but reading this fact for the first time physically made my stomach sick.

You think that’s the worst? The Imperial Japanese Army ran Unit 731: a state-of-the-art biological and chemical warfare research facility in Manchuria where Japanese researchers performed human experimentation on a large scale, using Chinese civilians as the majority of their “logs” (test subjects).

Living humans were dissected alive, usually without anesthesia. Subjects had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss and pain tolerance. Those limbs were sometimes reattached to the opposite sides of the body. Subjects had their stomachs or esophagus surgically removed. Subjects were gotten pregnant via rape then infected with diseases to see the effect on their baby. Subjects were forced into the cold to research frostbite then had their frozen limbs chopped off. Subjects were placed in pressure chambers until their eyeballs popped out of their sockets. This one is unconfirmed, but supposedly they placed a women and her baby in a room then heated up the floor to see if she’d step on her own baby.

Back in 1995, an anonymous Japanese medical assistant who worked in Unit 731 sat down for an interview with the New York Times and described one such live dissection:

“The fellow knew that it was over for him, and so he didn’t struggle when they led him into the room and tied him down. But when I picked up the scalpel, that’s when he began screaming. I cut him open from the chest to the stomach, and he screamed terribly, and his face was all twisted in agony. He made this unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. But then finally he stopped. This was all in a day’s work for the surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time.”

Everyone cries over the civilians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but hardly anyone sheds a tear for the millions of victims of the Empire of Japan.

I dont know why, some of you may label me an extreme sadist, but every time I read of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I feel very excited and satisfied. Like my spirit somewhere knows Japan totally deserved it.

Lakini Japs wamekua wabaya tokea kitambo, these are the same people who crashed their planes on American warships. Word has it that Japanese jet fighters was one way, once you got on it, no coming back. They bid their families good bye. I really hope in the nearer future they crash with China. I wouldnt mind the outcome. Just like am not minding the Russian Ukraine war

If you knew about what dr mengele alikuwa anafanyia watoto in concentration camps in europe hata hii haingekushtua. WW2 was a pretty disturbing moment in human history. Imagine being led to a death camp mkiambiwa mnaenda kushower alafu kuona those gas pipes on the roof ukidhani ni shower heads only to start smelling the scent of death na milango ndiyo hiyo inafungwa from both ends while you all start gasping for air and later die like cocroaches zimesprayiwa doom.

I would much rather take my chances with Nazis. Gas chamber sounds better than being dissected alive.

The people who ordered and were involved in these warcrimes would later be given immunity out of guilt. So I’d say that decision wasn’t so great in terms of giving justice. Only led to more innocents being killed.

Hehehehehe msee. Thats a much better and painless way of going. Unaskia mtu unalishwa frostbite alafu an arm is chopped off

Nowadays Japanese are disturbingly something else. Suicide rates iko high, birth rates iko low, alafu those fuvkers don’t even know how to socialize anymore, kazi ni kuwank with their Hentai na kucreate apps za kuwalink na girlfriends on hire.

I feel the same. I read that Russians would rather surrender to the Nazi coz walijua wakishikwa na Japanese wameisha.

I don’t know if they changed ama bado na hio unyama.

Historically Japan, 1500 to 2000 years ago, was was a useless and unneeded islands where rapists, warriors, murderers, bandits, deserters, thieves and prostitutes’ ran to escape justice, the most daring had to survive, which on the flipside contributed to its success and enigmatic culture.

I don’t give two fuaks about Japan as long as they continue making cheap and durable cars and electronics.

negroes wamepitia all manner of atrocities for thousands of years and nobody talks about it


Prokopanda tu mingi,issokay
Their nemesis did the same,only that they did on themselves regardless of the narrative…remember jet fuel and steel beams? Yeah that one. In a war there’s no good or bad side a true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. Dont hate the player,besides wars were created so that Americans would learn geography.

Jebedeyo kiherere ya nini? Nobody is taking sides or disparaging any, I am just trying to point out how vicious the Japs are for their acts

Surprisingly, Japan nowadays is the most welcomed country in the world. With their passport, you don’t need a visa to 192/193 countries in the world. They are known for their anime too.

They are still very xenophobic so getting a passport is almost impossible for a negro

They were on top of their game but lets vindicate them for now.The thread agrees

They don’t allow dual citizenship too.

There’s a case to be argued about how mutilating relatively few poor souls for scientific experiements is less evil than inventing systems and procedures for killing humans enmasse. Hata kwa popular literature you can see this in the themes that come up when they describe the genocide as mass extermination of human parasites. Japanese expansionism is just left at that while hitler’s genocide is described with such passion and hate that you’d be forgiven if you thought you were reading fiction. You can also see this in the way the israelis hunted nazis all over the world while the allies were just resigned to accept japanese surrender. Meanwhile, the emperor and the royal family were spared and the japanese have never apologized for what they did.

Cc. @Mangele :Your handle always reminds me of the movie Escape from Sobibor. [SIZE=1]Hehe, I know it’s not the same spelling[/SIZE]