Save money, money will save you. Make sure you have enough money that can last your for atleast more than a year vitu zikienda vibaya…
Pia wasee wainvest in good medical covers. It can save you a lot.
Like which one?
In a stable economy like the West, you need at least 6 months in emergency funds to weather the storm in case of a layoff or something like that. In a shithole like Kenya where getting a job is impossible, you need at a minimum 2 years of savings.
That means kama your salary is 100k per month, then you need 2.4M in accessible cold hard cash somewhere.
Birrioneas wako na mburoti maguta maguta waiting to dispose in case of layoffs
Mzeemashavu niaje? How will u save money when u spend your waking hours in downtown dingy brothels?
we unadhani unajua watu…There are other important things people do besides lanyes and alcohol. Kwanza mimi hii 2025 naondokea rent na kuwachia chaotic Nairobi life.
Hahaha. Just kidding
Mimi nataka nishike shake bwaku nisunde mansion design ya ritayo ranch
Na hapo pia invest in good health, hiyo medical cover inafaa kuwa ya medical emergencies and not lifestyle issues.
Unataka rudi kwa mommy sio?
A plot of land haiuzwi for emergencies! It takes so long to sell a plot of land yet you may be in dire need. Emergencies require fast-moving assets.
@Sanchez11 Unaona after elder kipiga wewe sweep ukawacha kukula lanye wa danguro pesa ina kaa kwa mfuko. Chinjia elder mbuzi.
Tell them. There was a time I visited my shamba …I had very minimal money in my pocket na sikuwa naona mwangaza mbele. That’s when I discovered, I better have money that I can access if need be. Unaweza lala njaa ukiangalia shamba worth 5 million yako.
Siri …be liquid. I also think MMF is better. U can get your money indays …but u can access your money while it’s still earning for you…
Hii maisha tuko class Kila siku. There is a time I even thought how I would have minimal assets …nikuwe liquid.
True dat. Eat well, exercise, manage stress
That’s why wahindi huweka pesa in bank instead of buying plots all over
Ask around, muhindis have safes in the house where they keep jewelry (particularly gold) and hard cash in the tens of millions.