The grand evil plan.

Covid-19 is not an accidental virus from a wild animal meat eating party. It’s an elaborate plan hell bent on introducing the New World Order. In summary the plan will proceed as follows:

  1. COVID-19: The onset of the virus, creation of mayhem by governments and mainstream media. Disruption of people’s lives and chaos everywhere.
    2.VACCINE: Ensuring that every human being receives the vaccine against the virus. The vaccine may also be laced with birth control drugs to check in on the expanding human population. Bill Gates and his associates have often been vocal about plans to vaccinate the world against a global pandemic and need to reduce human population. Those who resist the vaccine will be isolated away from the rest of humanity.
  2. NEW WORLD ORDER: Introduction of a global system to have an identification matrix and a number assigned to every human being in form of a chip to control human movement and make trade easier. Akin to what is mentioned in Revelation 13.
  3. Mark of the Beast (666). With the NWO in place, it will be easy to implement this.

Quarantine facilities are the new prisons. I saw some kids in Nakuru were taken to quarantine because they were caught kissing. Any little excuse will be used against people to deny their liberties.

I saw that too and was highly disgusted. This Corona period has become an avenue through which human rights are being taken away from the people one after the other. This is a trial experiment on how to fully curtail human rights and freedoms in the future.

Quarantine = Detention without Trial.
Yaani these guys have managed to flatten our rights.

Totally. Kabisa kabisa. Ni kunoma manze

I see protests in US, Brazil, Russia… sijui when ours will start. That’s if people are willing to stand up to the D-'s.
Na Konyagi anakaa kuextend hii kitu; something about addiction of absolute power.

The day they will make a mistake of introducing total lockdown is the day bonobos will suffer from hunger in their houses and grow some brains and balls. Otherwise we Kenyans are highly timid.

Watch this…


Thank God for the totality of American freedom of speech because this Alex Jones guy would have been arrested in Kenya.
Miguna Miguna is proof that Kenya has no freedom of speech.

Who financed huduma number? An exercise that collected hadi biometrics. In Kenya they have the data on standby ready for the Microsoft chip.

:D:DWhat happened to you?

Say no to illuminati…

Come on guys, these outrageous conspiracy theories are dangerous nonsense!

Propahindi boss

If kissing is a crime why isn’t it censored on tv?
You know the problem with police in Kenya, they rush to arrest and arraign you bu to ikifika kortini are unable to sustain the case.

Okay alright well said. But at the end of the day after all the conspiracy theories are said and done bado watu wavae mask! Yours is conspiracy theory number 12, 656,398 since covid started.
I mean some things are just common sense. If you don’t cook even ordinary poultry from the local butcher utapata worms ama salmonella. That is not fiction or conspiracy, it is a fact. And salmonella can in fact kill you. You also know about all the other worms and amoebas in existence from your primary school science courses , those are not fiction or conspiracies hizo ni fact. So you cannot stand there and say that covid 19 is a conspiracy! And yet the same bats are known to even spread rabies through their bite.

If you don’t wash your fruits or veges thoroughly utapata amoeba papo hapo!Or even worse some typhoid fever.

At the same time, if you cook bat meat thoroughly chances are that you will kill most of the agents inside there. Shida ni kwamba Asians do eat alot of uncooked flesh and insects to increase virility or for some non existent wild belief. They chop off a cobra’s head and swallow the heart in vodka. Then chase it down with raw blood. In Japan they practically eat all their meats raw. From fish to beef to wierd sea slugs and eels. And there are many cases reported of Japanese who have eaten raw fish and ended up with strange worms that chewed through their intestines.
If you don’t cook snails thoroughly you can get something very dangerous called the rat lungworm that chews through brain matter. This is not fiction or conspiracy. And rat lungworm cases are on the increase, it’s not a conspiracy. If 1000 people get this worm will you say that the NWO is spreading that worm?

Liwe liwalo.

Open your third eye

Hehe…he’s more entertaining and truthful than mainstream media…