It seems Singapore has become so advanced that they now look at mzungus as white trash.
I don’t see Europeans being at the top of the hierarchy for very long as other nations begin to catch up.
It seems Singapore has become so advanced that they now look at mzungus as white trash.
I don’t see Europeans being at the top of the hierarchy for very long as other nations begin to catch up.
:D:D musungu amekua shocked
Swafi he is no longer a demigod.
negroes… the world started shifting a long time ago… it’s actually shifting as we speak , by 2100-2200 this world will shock you …
…the population in that era will also need lots of therapy
Alikaa kulia bana :D:D:D
They never were.People were just brainwashed.
Explain this…
Does it matter the changes if Omwafrika is still at the bottom rung?
The point is to get it through you coons heads that no one is at the top/bottom forever. Even your fellow Omwafrika.
I’m all for loving ourselves more as Africans, the problem that exists is lack of the needed mindset to enable rapid change.
This will require the miracle of our gods.
It starts in the grass roots. When you see a self hating African ,call him out on his cuck behavior. We’re not doing enough to educate each other as Africans .That’s why I joined Kenya talk .I found it after the Somalia vs Kenya ICJ case and the amount of self haters was ridiculous.
In the begin people we’re brushing me off but as time has gone by I’ve noticed I’ve started changing the mindset of some coons in this thread. They’re even tagging me in pro African posts. I’ve only been here for less than a month and I’m already seeing a rise in self pride.
Can you imagine what this forum will be if I stay for a year?
Take ownership ,it starts with you.
Educate them ,call them out on their bullshit.
No miracles needed just action.
I’m not a coon nor a fanatist like you, I just think social classes exist whichever shade you are.
I will, when I become a fanatic
Good stuff. Ive always liked the resilience. One way or the other one good day all races will be struggling to come to africa…
Mpatie ile sweep ya pieces of shit so I can laugh myself to tomorrow
Nitampatia tu, sweep lazima iwe na pass ndio urushe 3p bro
Some of you are hopless ,tutawachinja along with your neanderthal masters.