Why is it that most creative/talented people have some sort of vices. If you look at people like;
R kelly likes underage girls.
Jimwat na pombe
ukoo fulani …drugs
Woody Allen n his stepdaughter
James cameron
Mike tyson
MJ was messed up ki akili
Jimi Hendrix died from sijui overdose
Jean Michel Basquait overdose
Cosby …
The list goes on. Its either drugs, women or esteem issues
Maybe blessed with a curse
we all have a vice. it’s only that when they kill us ordinary people it’s not news.
Ungeeka kwa relevant sekshon bana…
The list is endless.
It’s called the celebrity curse.
The ultimate expression of talent requires sacrifice that often leaves a vacuum behind. The said void attracts addictions and vices that weren’t/aren’t addressed.
It’s almost impossible to create amazing art when happy. Creatives often draw inspiration from the darkness in them, which ultimately consumes them.
I dont know how it ended up under betting…@Deorro saidia hapa
It’s because they are famous therefore it seems they are cursed with such vices, we all have friends and relatives suffering from all those vices who don’t have a penny to their name ! Ama unataka kusema hauna wajomba walevi na macuzo wana sumbuliwa na addictions ?
@Tom Bayeye lives for ululations…
Sijashikanisha cameron na tyson. Walikua wana date ama?
That’s basically any man who isn’t broke. Show me one rich man without a vice…just one. Kama sio fobe ni Malaya…ama both. By Malaya I mean slay queens not necessarily wale wanauza pale koinange.
Am a rich man and i dont have any vice:p
Rich man and you will be out of bed at 6 to go and look for breakfast.
Tyson - cocaine and women
Cameron just like steve jobs is an a$$hole to work with. Try reading about what the actors and actresses who were in Titanic had to say about him.
Maybe pombe na barmaids coz they cant afford highly addictive drugs like cocaine.
Someone would say it’s coz ‘they black’