The Gatheti App is now available

Get these papers delivered every day on your mobile(android)

Daily Nation/Sunday Nation(Daily)
The Standard/Sunday Standard(Daily)
Taifa Leo(Daily)
Business Daily(Mon - Sat)
The Star(Mon - Sat)
The Nairobian(weekly)
The East African(weekly)

All inquiries via Inbox.

being a new villager, utapata matusi anytime. ngoja uone…

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An app. Forgive me but my profession dictates that I am extra cautious with these things. Wapi source code, na permissions ni zipi

haya, @Freeman hiyo ni ya kwanza kutoka kwa @evroza , a village elder…ngoja ingine…

Upuzz! NMG mole

i smell a scam with these new villager


Freeman =
Member Since:Today


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Weka source code tuone

Guys,its business.Am offering a service,if you are interested get in touch.Please stop speculating.

Why on earth would i do that?

After gatheti kufwata mh370 new villagers wameflood kijiji na wako na upus.
admin endelea kungoa vile ulingoa Mr Likes.


Please stop inciting members,i am not posting any banned/illegal content.

Mr likes alikuwa na ufala ku like ever comment hata kama ana kuwa dissed

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You cannot do business by infringing peoples copyrights. No thanks, hiyo app yako maybe u convince your fellow naive new villagers. Senior villagers na Elders tuko sorted.


Don’t need an app for that. Bookmark = problem solved. Thanks to mandazi moto.


Good for you.However am offering a guaranteed service 365 days a year available every day without fail.You will have all your papers delivered daily at 6:00 Am on the dot.

Io interface inakaa moto. Simu gani?

Permission to Read your Contacts and Permission to Send SMS

For those who have inboxed me i have given them instructions.Wait for their feedback instead of speculating

There are several sources besides Mandazi moto.
Hope your webview is not hot linking to one of the sources I have in mind cause your app will be reverse engineered & the loop hole will be closed.
