The Fiud Macho who doesn't Suffer Fools rightly (sic)

Now that I hold the Osungu bragging rights in this slum, let me play Phillip Ochieng’. The rights were awarded after an Osungu supremacy contest between @Okiya and I, and having emerged the winner, I hereby exercise my bragging rights. And I will do this for the next 12 months until the next contest is held.

On numerous occasions, @FieldMarshal CouchP has used the statement “I don’t suffer fools rightly(sic)”. He normally does that when pissed off by a talker’s stupid comment. Two things are wrong with this statement.

First, the idiom is not “not suffer fools rightly”, it is “not suffer fools lightly/gladly”. The origin of this phrase is attributed to Saint Paul in his letter to the Corinthians.
2 Corinthians 11:19 (KJV): “For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise.”
Alternate translations read “…suffer fools lightly…”

Secondly, @FieldMarshal CouchP uses the idiom to show that he does not tolerate fools or stupid comments. This is exactly the opposite of what the idiom means. Indeed, “not suffering fools lightly/gladly” means that you do not get angry with fools. Thus, the fiud masho should be saying that he “suffers fools gladly” when he gets pissed off by our stupidity.

Now you know.


Na UPUUS ni Idiom gani?

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If you are right in you assessment, i must go for a school fees refund . The actual term is "suffer fools lightly " and fiud masho uses it correctly.


I don’t suffer fools lightly, endea refund. Guka ati husema rightly.


When was this contest held? I must’ve missed it.


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Go for a refund bro. “Suffer fools lightly” means get pissed off. “Not suffer fools lightly” is, of course, the opposite.

Check the thread “gullible ladies” late last week.

Poa Uwesmakei.

  1. I do not know when the osungu supremacy contest was held.

  2. If it was held, you, @aviator should be the last person to win it.

  3. @FieldMarshal CouchP uses the term correctly.

  4. You are ferking wrong.

  5. Vile umeambiwa, endea refund kwa installer wako wa osungu.exe.
    The reason you cannot be the winner of osungu contest in this slum is here>>>



What I my missing ama naona zangu ndugu. I don’t suffer fools gladly/lightly means you don’t like upuss. Else if there was no negative it would mean you eat bullshit sandwiches smiling. @aviator sindio?

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Let the ktalk jury decide.

My osungu tells me that ‘not sufferering fools lightly’ means unakasirika haraka na watu kama Jerry. So you are correct.

Aviator, I am the judge and jury and you are sentenced to 15 yrs hard labour in grammar hell.


I think a full refund is also in order for those of us who do not even have a clue of this fool you are all jabbering about… @ admin tunaomba… hii ni veiled matusi


To appreciate the meaning of the idiom, read 2 Corinthians 11 whole chapter since it is universally agreed that the phrase was coined by Saint Paul.

so far; fiud eyes 1 : kiumbuki(aviator) 0

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Mkimaliza contest, mni show.

Ok, let me put a conspectus of the statement.

I don’t- is a negation. Meaning it does not happen.
Suffer-Feel pain. Get pissed. Get angry with.
Fools- Stupid people
Lightly-Easily. Fast.

I do not get pissed off by stupid people easily.
