The first impressions of the British about the Masai, Kikuyu, and Kamba

Maasai :D:D:D


Kikuyu and Kamba

Kikuyu on Europeans

so again, why the fuck is the pale face’s opinion important?

We know maasai rejected european culture and thats the reason for this diatribe.
But you also know that the grazing and fishing societies are just that. chakula inajitembeza inajilisha.

Maasai hana bahati.

Brits got it right on the Kiuks though.
Cendro and the larger GEMA community has shown to thrive under capitalism and all its variations.

Hii upuss umweka hapa ya nini? The whole book should have been forthcoming.

Juu unanilipa??

who said it is. He did not ask for your permission to state his opinion though

This makes me so jealous of the Maasai people. There are many Kiuks/Kaos with Maasai blood and I like to think in my distant past, I might have had the privilege of being Maasai. My grandmother used to swear that our maternal side were Maasai prisoners of war who were integrated into bantu culture. And for the record, it’s not a compliment for the colonizers to speak highly of the Kikuyu/Kamba…it’s actually everything but. An enemy will always have bad things to say so I’m glad that Maasai people kept that same anti-colonial energy back then…we ought to give them as much credit (if not more) as we do the MauMau and other freedom fighters

He wants to feel important [he is kikuyu and thinks that the colonialist is complimenting him]. Every tribe feels that it is superior to other tribes and that is the basis of our tribalism.

The average maasai today has a much better quality of life than the average kikuyu. Sometimes we forget that save for around 50,000 elite Kikuyu extended families, the average kikuyu tends to be a very frustrated individual, who has been thoroughly beaten into submission by the colonial and post-colonial systems.

Nop, only the one you are from holds feelings of inherent superiority. i have never met any of my clansmen who told me they thought they were better than anyone or heard a stranger from my tribe state they were better than anyone. I you have evidence to the contrary, please provide the video or a link

Huyo white man alikuwa na stereotypes za kifala…so angekutana na mluhya angesema “the strong man with a crazy appetite for ugali made of sorgum and millet …he ain’t satisfied till he eats a mountainous chunk of ugali. He is a polygamous and sexually promiscuous man and he meets his sexual threshold by visiting the huts of his 7 wives in one night”

In this capitalist system it is a Kiuk that can decide to venture anywhere in the country and get to identify and opportunity that he/she will fully exploit.
That is the reason you won’t miss a Njoroge or Kamau somewhere in Kenya or East Africa doing something productive.

kukula is achievement my friend. And luyas do not have a bigger stomach than anyone

They will never tell you directly that ‘we are superior’. But listening to them speaking about the Jaruos or the Maathai or the Ikamba or whatever other tribes leaves you in no doubt that they consider themselves superior. Tribal pride is not a bad thing, but once you start truly believing that you are inherently better than others, it becomes problematic because it breeds a certain sense of entitlement.

No you said they said they were superior. Please provide the evidence.

There are Kikuyus doing product things all over the world. But the average kikuyu (whom you meet in Kayole or Korogocho or Mathioya or in Kibarani or wherever) tends be a very frustrated fellow.

Maasais were duped to sign 99years lease of all their land by the whiteman. up to today hawajawai get back iyo land. The 99years ended in 2009 they tried to demonstrate (particularly those in Laikipia) bt they never got it back, later it was heard that the lease had been extended by other 99yrs. I am not being tribal (n off course I know most kikuyus have maasai blood) but Maasais are the most gullible people I know (I have lived alongside them for years so I can attest what I am saying).

Please provide the said agreement. There was no agreement. it was take what you can, give nothing back. Plus there was no leader of the masai to sign such an agreement