Thanks to the handshake between Raila and Uhuru, tribalism is no longer as rife as it used to be in Kenya.
Nowadays, it isn’t uncommon to encounter members of different tribes dancing together.
Some of my friends have sent me videos to prove this:
Samson Otoyo Obama @Swansea & @Sambamba Waithera
Hibiscus @Jimit Ouma & Kelvin Kamuhunjia @kush yule mnono
Sospita @poyoloko Chebukati, Jackson Mutinda @PHARMACY , Lavington Awinja @slevyn , @Azor Ahai Wairimu & Vicmas Owino @Kodiaga
United we stand, divided we fall.
@uwesmake ni takataka Mluhya with syphilitic madness. Atumie condom aache kusambaza ukimwi, gonorrhoea na syphilis to kunguru za Nairobi
@Jimit ni kipii and should come to Kericho in December tumtolee the yoke of foreskin. Ghaseer yeye!
@PHARMACY ni house-negro Kamba with gayish tendencies.
@poyoloko the bastard was sired by an unknown specimen during his mother’s whoring years.
@Longpole ni kisii takataka mamake mchawi na yeye nightrunner. Tombwa na mapepo na ufirwe kundu na ibilisi.
@uwesmake ni takataka Mluhya with syphilitic madness. Atumie condom aache kusambaza ukimwi, gonorrhoea na syphilis to kunguru za Nairobi
@Jimit ni kipii and should come to Kericho in December tumtolee the yoke of foreskin. Ghaseer yeye!
@PHARMACY ni house-negro Kamba with gayish tendencies.
@poyoloko the bastard was sired by an unknown specimen during his mother’s whoring years.
@Longpole ni kisii takataka mamake mchawi na yeye nightrunner. Tombwa na mapepo na ufirwe kundu na ibilisi.
Mkalethug ume amua vayolense kabla hata twende uchaguzi. Katembeee wanaume ni kuonana ka one-two kakisonga.
@uwesmake ni takataka Mluhya with syphilitic madness. Atumie condom aache kusambaza ukimwi, gonorrhoea na syphilis to kunguru za Nairobi
@Jimit ni kipii and should come to Kericho in December tumtolee the yoke of foreskin. Ghaseer yeye!
@PHARMACY ni house-negro Kamba with gayish tendencies.
@poyoloko the bastard was sired by an unknown specimen during his mother’s whoring years.
@Longpole ni kisii takataka mamake mchawi na yeye nightrunner. Tombwa na mapepo na ufirwe kundu na ibilisi.
Kalejinga this time hamna bahati. Ona hapo umetusi kabila karibu tano kubwa. Frustrations galore:cool::D:D:D:cool:
@uwesmake ni takataka Mluhya with syphilitic madness. Atumie condom aache kusambaza ukimwi, gonorrhoea na syphilis to kunguru za Nairobi
@Jimit ni kipii and should come to Kericho in December tumtolee the yoke of foreskin. Ghaseer yeye!
@PERDITION ni house-negro Kamba with gayish tendencies.
@poyoloko the bastard was sired by an unknown specimen during his mother’s whoring years.
@Longpole ni kisii takataka mamake mchawi na yeye nightrunner. Tombwa na mapepo na ufirwe kundu na ibilisi.
I once called myself into a meeting and asked y do meno nje loot with impunity?
I answered me , just like the way a bucket with holes can’t hold water ,a meno nje will waste alot of food since it falls off their mbuta mouths . Just little cramps enter their coal black wide tummies therefore need to steal more bearing in mind the stomach consumes 70% of what we earn .
Kusema ukweli @PERDITION haunaga akili
Yea kama hio mattercore yako unauzanga Seattle buttricia patco
Hii ghaseer inatumia 1 GB RAM. A very stupid Kamba.
Shemeji si tukue na handshake sababu naona arap mameno atapata mamlaka na unitafutie a black tall fast kalenjin girl but with intact mouth? Is that hard to ask for ndugu?
Wasichana wetu hawapendi beta weak Kamba men:D:D But naeza kupeleka Salgaa nikutafutia one whore akutoe nyege.
Tombwaa:D:D:Dnaharibu kila kitu sababu nyinyi mnadharau wakamba. I will impreginate 2000 kalenjin foolish girls soon as punishment for ur disrespect
Kitui vampire 🦇:
I once called myself into a meeting and asked y do meno nje loot with impunity?
I answered me , just like the way a bucket with holes can’t hold water ,a meno nje will waste alot of food since it falls off their mbuta mouths . Just little cramps enter their coal black wide tummies therefore need to steal more bearing in mind the stomach consumes 70% of what we earn .
Direkt transleshen @chap ona kino kii kitawa @PERDITION ayiinenia kikamba ngooni na aitype na kisuungu.
Saa ingine @PERDITION uko serious, saa ingine unamwaga akili kando unaweka @ngimanene hapo.
Akamba mwi ngite muno , niwoonaa baluya iiteteana vaa na mumawa ta Malai na naneena tunengwe ndaia muikwatana na meno nje ,baluya kumbumanga . Makende aaa tukwatanei tumine kivuthya kila twonawa .kasia
Kitui vampire 🦇:
Akamba mwi ngite muno , niwoonaa baluya iiteteana vaa na mumawa ta Malai na naneena tunengwe ndaia muikwatana na meno nje ,baluya kumbumanga . Makende aaa tukwatanei tumine kivuthya kila twonawa .kasia
:D:D:D:D:D:D kamuthiti Kaa katoneka utakumene. Muvisi keka niwaamuie kueka kukengwa Kila ivinda ni nzaluo isu, na mama akaeka umalaya mbadini. Akamba tuthiina ni ndia isu Ile. Mama na muvisi.
July 27, 2022, 6:57am
We don’t care about the tribes anymore. Kenyans have learnt the political game and cannot fight other tribes due to politrics