The End Of Poshomills?

Small tabletop grinders spreading like wildfire

@Ngimanene na matharo kuchako …then ongeza dosage ama saka formula ingine ya matusi naona watu wamekuwa unanusa resistant

Mbona jareeeers mko obssesed with animal food.

Corn is cow feed

Just the same as you fuckers are obsessed with sputum. Warya kut.

Nimeona kwa hindernet that staple food ya woria is rice from Pakistan and spaghetti from Italy. What kind of slavery is this? How can a society rely on foods imported from thousands of kilometers away to feed itself? No wonder they are always on food aid.

Hapa Muranga I grow my own maize, potatoes, nduma, ngwaci, beans, peas, sukuma, spinach, terere etc to feed myself and family. Every human being should at the bare minimum be able to feed himself.

Another quail/double sided grill pan look a like viral interest. Like the predecessors, the cost of maintaining will surpass the cost of buying a packet of unga. Saa hii tuko loss making phase for the buyers. Wapewe character development kwanza wakunje mkia. Meffi hao

Kuja na handle yako ya ukweli,ngamia hii

Hii machine ukileta kenya na ufanyie marketing vizuri,utakafuga

You feed like swine’s , we can do business but we can’t eat with you dogs .infact counting your money I must wear gloves

We don’t care Fagget Mijinga kïpiiiiii kinene zaidi mumama zaidiiiii umekaaa hivi fuaaaaaa ukihara ukinyamba ukidunga ukinusa uvundo ukakuambia wewe na muhahe yooooooooote ya watu wenyu wewe ndiwe wa kwanza na hii stale news? Brare taktaka ghaseer imbilisi nyeusi cunt

You forget the part where you need electricity to run that thing. Upcountry visiagi zitaguruma hadi at least 2040.

Speaking of, do them ‘waria’ have a history? Specifically traditional food? Ya wa-Maasai (closest thing to Somalis in terms of lifestyle) at least inajulikana, but ya wa-Somali sijawahi sikia.

Almost 80 per cent of homes now have elec thanks to Mlevi1…

Adoptiom of appliances may take a generation though. Most folks only use it for lighting, phone charging, TV, and radio.

Manufacture of white goods has the potential to double the country’s GDP…