The Coronavirus is a Divine Pandemic
The Coronavirus is a Divine Pandemic
the system has just changed or adapted to the pandemic and might get back to normal once it’s over.
we still bought bulk from them and will continue buying
we are at home but separated by our rooms or cellphones/laptops
we are homeschooling but still teaching about their education
we are cooking from home and taking vitamins which still have the harmful chemicals
we have to create our own systems and support each other.
Thoth,corona virus isn’t the reset,the reset will happen when the red kachina purifies the world.Now is more of a time of a window of opportunity for the world to be in tune with nature.Even technology is supposed to be in tune with nature.
Suffering is supposed to purify a person, to stun him into chanhe for the better.
So far, the pandemic has all the marks of suffering.
Bado unang’ang’ana na hizi two sunset babaa?:D:D:D
Am always open to alternative knowledge if you have any,I like to use Bobby Hemmit’s style of approach in spirituality.
If alternative means stupid then yeah,the world is flat after all and the sun is the size of our moon
it is flat