. Hapa, kama huna bundles ama time, hasara kwako!
. Iko on Aljazeera, but only bits.
. Please watch this!
Lakini huwezi guza China bila kuguza Russia na US. Those three bandits are hopelessly interconnected in a very complex manner.
Last time I checked, China is a nuclear power with land, air, ship and submarine carrying nuclear tipped missiles. Their 1 million armed force has greatly been modernized to match or beat most of the west military. They control the south China sea which basically is 40% of the world economy. China itself is the world economic power.
Hii yote ni matisho tu. There will be conflict there anytime soon.
Just recently Chinese subs snuck to the US shores just short of breaching International waters and Uncle Sam was none the wiser. We only got to know about coz the Chinks revealed it… But then again, in this era of “fake news”…
But USA does that all that time to other countries including China, Russia and Iran.
Kelele tu ya media. If they have been unable to handle Kim jong un and his nuclear development, how are they going to dare threaten another super power?
Even worse usa/Russia have STARTS nuclear weapons treaties that limits production of nuclear weapons, missile weapons delivery systems and joint compliance verification processes. China isn’t part of this treaties and it continues to build up it nuclear weapons systems, ballistic missiles systems, early warning detections, space weapons and deliveries.
That documentary was aired on al jazeera a few days ago
The US has never won a single fight, let alone a war.