The Black man is everyone's beach

LOL. Zaeni na wazungu warembo mutoe vizazi vyenu kwa utumwa. Can you blame them? The black man is his own worst enemy. My advice to black females is breed 'em out they’re an inferior species and females must only propagate the best genes.
And I’m not alone. According to data from OKCupid, Asian and black men receive fewer messages than white men, while black women receive the fewest messages of all users. Christian Rudder, founder of OKCupid, summarised the findings by saying, “Essentially every race - including other blacks - [gives black women] the cold shoulder.”

I don’t give black women a cold shoulder myself. But just thought you should know.

“The main story here is the experience of black women,” the authors write. “who receive the lion’s share of their messages from black men, a tiny amount from Latino men, and practically no messages from either Asian or white men. Asian and white women, on the other hand, consistently receive messages from all men, both inside and outside their ethnic group.”

Talk about shitting on the only subgroup that has interest in you.

But depressingly, men of all races write back to African-American women at markedly lower rates.? As shown in this chart: OkTrends

Men (including African-American men) write back to African-American women at about a 20% lower rate.? This result is somewhat reminiscent of the?famous resume study done by Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan, which found that employers who place want ads were less likely to respond to resumes from people with African-American sounding names.

Unaambia watu wajipendekeze mahali hawatakwi.

Ask yourself, how many men, black or white, would be interested in a bitter, post-menopausal, demented old hag who still thinks she is God’s gift to mankind? You would think she was sired by a white man and not a miraa- chewing bottom feeder from Nyambene.