Wives submit to your husbands. No Christian woman should seek to be at par with her husband (in authority). Just like Christ submitted to the father, despite their equality, so should wives submit to their husbands. This means that when there is a difference of opinion, the man’s voice reigns over the woman’s voice. Just like the Church submits to its head (Christ), so should a woman submit to her head (husband). That’s a spiritual hierarchy, it’s not debatable.
Remember, the man was made first and is the glory of God, but the woman is the glory of man. The man was made for God, the woman was made for man (it’s not right that man should be alone)
[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]1 Corinthians 11: 7-9
[COLOR=rgb(61, 142, 185)]7 A man ought not to cover his head,[b] since he is the image[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)] and glory of God;[COLOR=rgb(61, 142, 185)] but woman is the[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)] glory of man. [COLOR=rgb(61, 142, 185)]8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9 neither was man created for woman, but[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)] woman for man.
That’s the express text of the scripture. Man is by design made to be an authority over the woman. The design is so respected spiritually that the eyes of both Adam and Eve only opened after the man ate of the fruit. Only by man breaking the covenant was it truly broken. Sin entered by Adam, not Eve even though Eve was the one deceived by the devil.
Because the wife isn’t an authority over the man, her actions weren’t representative. Man’s action was representative of all his seed. That’s why sin entered through Adam, not Eve (Roman 5: 12-14).
Men love your wives as Christ loved the Church. This is the harder of the requirements. You see, the Church submits to Christ because Christ loved us first. In the same way, men ought to love their wives independent of flaws.
Love is humble.
The man has the obligation to be humble in authority. Since the man is representative, he is expected to make the first move. What do I mean?
The scriptural criteria is simple, Husband love your wife, wife submit to your husband.
If you love your wife, she’ll find it easier to submit. If you submit to your husband, the easier it is for him to love you. This is where the first move I mentioned earlier comes into play. What do we do when there is neither love nor submission? Since the man is the higher authority (much given much expected) the burden of righteousness is heavier upon him. He should love first in such a case (following the example of Christ) and the woman will submit (in the example of the Church).
If you think the requirement is hard on women, you don’t understand the requirement on men. The beauty of this is that the more she submits the more you’ll love her and the more you love her the more she submits.
The problem is that men and women have been taught to become enemies. You are one flesh. You must both abandon all societal teachings and modern beliefs as you leave your father and mother to become one. Only when you view each other as one will you fulfill the requirement. Act as opponents and you shame Christ.
You can’t hold feminist views and MGTOW views and expect to sustain a Christian marriage.