A group of actors are put in a room and told to give an obviously wrong answer.
A volunteer is invited to the room, but he doesn’t know the rest of the group are paid actors.
The volunteer is told to identify a line on the left that matches the same length to the line on the right.
The paid actors give the same wrong answer continuously which makes the volunteer to doubt his own eyes and intelligence. After the 1st attempt, most volunteers give the wrong answer just like the paid actors despite knowing the correct answer.
Only 1 percent of the human population pass the Asch Experiment.
Ndio hii video.
This is what happens in the real world. A good example is the quail eggs phenomenal that happened almost a decade ago.
Or the people who are shouting “bottoms up” because the paid actors in their village are saying “bottoms up”.
In fact, most men who get married early do it because most of their friends were getting married early.
Or when you watch a boring movie, and everyone on the internet is saying that was the best movie ever, most people will conform to the group even if they hated that movie.
And what’s interesting about the Asch expirement is that 99 percent of people won’t admit they picked the wrong answer because everyone in the room picked the wrong answer.