The Abduction Subaru Cure

Normal Kenyans do not have ready access to lethal weapons to defend themselves against abductions by Subaru Vehicles without number plates occupied by masked , armed , plain clothes characters

Anyone attempting to arrest you who :-

  • does not identify themselves
  • does not show just cause ( …or an arrest warrant …) to confine or detain you.
  • acts in a suspicious manner unbecoming of a Police Officer ( …NIS or Military officers have no power of arrest …).
  • uses unnecessary force , intimidation (… or threat thereof ) , causes injury or undue suffering…
    Must be regarded as a common armed criminal.

Since they travel in heavily armed squads , what you need to the “level the playing field” is a credible, easy to fashion "force equalizer".

And none is better than the tried and tested "Molotov Cocktail" …

In the first 72 hours of the Ukraine Invasion , they were successfully deployed to stop Russian Armoured Vehicles and Troop Transports.

2-3 well aimed and deployed will reduce a Subaru and it’s occupants to ashes in short order.

Do some homework on GOOGLE and we can continue this discussion further on the required necessary tactics and E&E ( Escape and Evade ) Protocols. :relieved::fire:


#Kasongo Must Go


This is how blm nonsense started. And you burnt down your demoncrat cities. Anarchy and mayhem and terror attacks are your modus operandi. And we said you will be exporting and importing demoncrat tactics as is coming to pass. Soon you will be procuring guns from somalia in proportion to your courage as it grows. I cannot be on the same side as you, no matter the issue umbwa koko @rexxsimba