That nice feeling

Dybala just saved my ass. There’s no better feeling than when the last hundred recoups the losses you’ve made since midweek and then some :). Lesson for today: Play it safe, avoid betting for away teams no matter how sure the bet looks.

Betting itakumaliza mzeiya

Officer: Madam, swimming is prohibited in this lake.
Lady: Why didn’t you tell me when I was removing my clothes?
Officer: Well, thats not prohibited

barcelona?liverpool?leicester?man u?they were all away,not a beter but what I know it is all about luck,a football novice can pick random bets and win while a pro will over analys from 1900 to date and still get nothing!

That’s true but those are extraordinary conditions with very specific teams. But when you have to deal with mid tier teams then home advantage means something. Thats how Real sociedad who just sacked a manager beat sevilla who recently beat Madrid

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