Thanksgiving Is Around The Corner, Celebration Of Natives' Genocide

This is one of those bullshit holidays that need to be deleted from the Federal calendar. The other sicker holiday is Columbus Day, how did that Fvcker discover the Americas while South Americans watched him disembarking from his ship?

Wazungu waache Ujinga

The white man never invaded with force in the beginning. He always came in peace. Then the bible. Then after he convinced you he was God ,he brought guns.

Those founding rapists and racists should not be celebrated anywhere

They discovered lake Victoria ndinduste

Well niliona Trudeau accepting that catholics walimalissa native american children huko canada…well america is another case.

I hate that canada got off too easy on that issue, ingekua uncle sam people would still be talking about it. strange

The other day I was watching a youtube video of a white man climbing mt. Kenya, and on the comments section another jungu claimed his great grandfather discovered the mountain way back in early 1800’s. Kenyans weren’t happy about it, they replied to him his great grandfather lied to him. Jungus do not consider us as humans enough to discover anything, the first complete human being to have sited the anything is always a white man

takataka umbwaaaaa peleka huu ujinga Newyork county assembly

Whites are stupid. Yaani they want everything or any innovation in the world to be done by them. Wanataka tu wao ndo wanatengeneza kila kitu. They can never accept that other races were superior than them. They will never accept the fact that the pyramids in egypt were made by africans no wonfer they keep pushing the narrative that they were made by aliens. They will never accept the fact that civilization started in Egypt when they were still living in caves and mud houses. The first ships and houses were made by the Chinese but they take credit for that. They stole the ideas and came up with the narrative that they were the civilized ones. They always say that Africans were barbaric and living in jungles yet in reality we had our own civilisation societies, our own kingdoms, laws, rules, system of trade and even empires. They destroyed that evidence by burning down and destroying our history. The Whites will never accept the fact that they were ruled by the moors of North Africa. They will say how superior they are but their superiority has never explained how complex structures were made without the use of modern technology, whats worse the structures are standing till date. They say Africans were primitive but their museums are full of stolen africans artefacts. They will always want to control the narrative to be about them always. People in Asia have started changing the narrative and showing them they aint shit. Only Africans are brainwashed and we worship them as if they are some kind of god.